Ch. 2 Vocabulary & Terminology Flashcards
experimental method that shows the contact between the tongue and the roof of the mouth. Static or dynamic
x-ray photography
x-rays used i conjunction with sound film. The use of this technique can reveal the details of the functioning og the vocal apparatus. The entirety of how a sound is produced is revealed and can actually be seen as it happens.
sound spectograph
equipment that generates spectograms from speech inout
impressionistic phonetic transcription
a method of writing down speech sounds with the intent of capturing how they are pronounced (using phonetic alphabet)
a speech sound written in square backets
the individual units of the speech stream; segments can be further subdivided into consonants and vowels
a phonetic characteristic of speech sounds such as lenth, intonation, tone, or stress, that rides on top of segmental features.
a unit of speech, made up of an onset and rhyme
consisting of only one syllable
in a syllable, any consonant(s) that comes before the rhyme
in a syllable, the vowel and any consonants that follow it.
the core element of a syllable, carrying stress, length, and pitch(tone)
a simple vowel, composed of a single configuration of the vocal organs
a complex vowel, composed of a sequence of two different configurations of the vocal organs
running speech/continuous speech
the usual form of spoken language, with all the words and phrases run together, without pauses in between them.