Ch. 2 Key Terms Flashcards
Action potential
Change in electrical potential of the heart muscle when it’s stimulated
Largest artery in the body
Transports oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to the entire body
Aortic semilunar valve
Located in the aorta and prevents backflow of blood into the left ventricle
Atrioventricular (AV) node
Delays the electrical impulse to allow the atria to complete their contraction (atrial kick)
Atrium (plural: atria)
Top two chambers of the heart
Ability of the heart to initiate an electrical impulse without being stimulated by an independent source
AV bundle
The Bundle of His
Bachmann’s bundle
Structure that relays the electrical impulse from the SA node to the left atrium in a normal heart
Bundle branches
Left and right Bundle Branches of the Bundle of His that conduct impulses down either side of the interventricular septum to the left and right ventricles
Bundle of His (AV bundle)
Next to AV node
Provides transfer of the electrical impulse from the atria to the ventricles
Cardiac cycle
Contraction and relaxation of the heart
Chordae tendineae
Structures that connect the atrioventricular (tricuspid and mitral) valves to the papillary muscles and prevent them from opening in the wrong direction
Atrial or ventricular depolarizations as they appear on the ECG
Complete ECG waveforms
Ability of the heart cells to receive and transmit and electrical impulse
The ability of the heart muscle cells to shorten in response to an electrical stimulus
Coronary circulation
Circulation of blood to and from the heart muscle
Deoxygenated blood
Blood that has little or minimum oxygen (oxygen-poor blood)
Electrical activation of the cells of the heart that initiates contraction of the heart muscle
Phase of the cardiac cycle when the heart is expanding and refilling
Aka the relaxation phase