Ch. 2 Hemodynamics Flashcards
+ Inotropy vs. - Inotropy Causes 3
+) SNS Stimulation
Hyperdynamic Ventricle
-) Massive MI
Heart Failure
Increased resistance
Hypoxia, Beta blockers, CCBs
Hypercalcemia, Acidosis, Hypernapnia
Electrolyte Imbalances (hypercalcemia)
- Definition
- RA vs. CVP location
- PAOP measures what
The initial stretching of the myocardium/sarcomeres prior to contraction. Equated to volume status (with caution!)
RA: PA catheter in RA
CVP: Central line in SVC
PAOP: Left atrial pressure and LV end diastolic pressure
- When would preload be elevated
- When would preload decrease
- Causes of CVP elevation
- Causes of PAOP elevation
- This is vasoconstriction/fluid overload/high pressure.
HF, Cardiogenic shock, pericardial tamponade, fluid overload, high PEEP - This is vasodilation/hypovolemia/low pressure
Hypovolemia, Bleeding, veno/vasodilation, decreased venous return, Drugs like morphine or beta blockers, diuresis, way too much PEEP - Pressure backing up from RV failure, pulm HTN, tricuspid stenosis or regurg
- Mitral stenosis or regurg
- Definition
- PVR vs SVR
The resistance/force the ventricles must overcome to eject blood
PVR: Afterload on the right side of the heart
SVR: Afterload on the left side of the heart
Normal Hemodynamic Values
CO: 4-8 L/min
CI: 2.5-4 L/min/m^2
SV: 50-100 ml/beat
SVI: 35-60 ml/beat/m^2
RVSWI: 5-10 g/m^2/beat
LVSWI: 50-62 g/m^2/beat
SvO2: 60-75%
ScvO2: >70% (70%-85%)
PAP: 25/10 mmHg
PAOP: 8-12 mmHg
RAP/CVP: 2-6 mmHg
SVR: 900-1400 dynes/sec/cm^-5
SVRI: 1970-2370 d/sec/cm^-5/m^2
PVR: 90-250 d/sec/cm^-5
Hemodynamic Formulas
- CO
- SV
- CI
- CO = HR x SV
normal: 4-8 L/min - SV = EDV - ESV
normal: ~70 ml - CI: 2.5 - 4.0
- When would afterload be elevated
- When would afterload decrease
- This is vasoconstriction
HTN, Cardiogenic shock (heart is working harder against constricted vessels and increased water/salt retention), hypovolemia, bleeding, heart failure, cardiac tamponade, AV stenosis, vasoconstrictive drugs - This is vasodilation
Distributive shock (vasodilatory), vasoplegic shock, septic shock, anaphylactic shock, spinal/neurogenic shock, vasodilatory drugs
Vasoplegic syndrome
- Definition
- Cause
- Low SVR<1600 & high CO>2.5 creating end-organ hypoperfusion d/t profoundly low SVR despite normal CO
- Caused by endothelial injury, arginine-vasopressin system dysfunction, release of other vasodilatory inflammatory mediators and muscle hyperpolarization
PA Catheter
- Contraindications
- Zero where
- Dicrotic notch signifies
- Tricuspid or pulmonic prosthetic valve, Right heart mass (tumor or thrombus), tricuspid or pulmonic valve endocarditis, left BBB if severe
- Phlebostatic axis: level of left atrium is 4th ICS and 1/2 AP Diameter (anteroposterior)
- Signifies closure of the pulmonic valve
PAOP Safety
- Stop inflating when
- Max inflate ml
- Max inflate time
- If waveform does not change
- Large waves =
- Waveform changes or if resistance is met
- 1.5 ml of air max
- Inflate <15 seconds
- Balloon may have ruptured or tip of PA is in the RV
- Mitral stenosis
How much oxygen is extracted from PaO2 in SvO2/ScvO2
We extract about 25-30% oxygen to tissues
- Class and action
- Receptors
- Dosing
- Side effects 1
- Vasopressor that stimulates α and some β1 resulting in increased BP & small amount of inotropy
- Dose 0.5 - 100 mcg/min or 0.01 - 1 mcg/kg/min
- Side effects include extravasation, bradycardia, dysrhythmias, HTN, renal artery vasoconstriction, digit and gut ischemia
Location of receptors
- α
- β1
- β2
- Blood vessels (BP)
- Heart (inotropy and chronotropy)
- Bronchial and vascular smooth muscle (alveolar)
Norepinephrine (Levophed)
* Class
* Receptor activation
* Dosing
* Half life
* Side effects to watch for 1
- Vasopressor which causes increased BP, SVR, and some CO
- Alpha and β1
- Dosing:
1. 0.5 - 100 mcg/min (15-20 start thinking of a second drug)
2. 0.01 - 1 mck/kg/min (sepsis) - Half life 2.5 mins
- Watch out for extravasation, bradycardia, dysrhythmias, HTN, renal artery vasoconstriction, Digit and gut ischemia at high doses
Epinephrine (Adrenalin)
* Class
* Receptor activation
* Dosing mcg/min
* Half life
* Side effects to watch for 1
- Vasopressor & Inotrope which causes increased BP, HR, CO, and SVR
- α, β1, some β2
- Dosing:
1. 2 - 10 mcg/min
2. 0.01 - 1 mcg/kg/min
3. ACLS - 1 mg IV/IO
4. Anaphylaxis 0.3 mg IM - Half life: 2-3 minutes
- Watch for extravasation, tachycardia, dysrhythmias, chest pain, hyperglycemia, rise in lactate levels
Dopamine (Inotropin)
* Class
* Receptor activation
* Dosing mcg/min
* Half life
* Side effects to watch for 1
- Vassopressor and inotrope which causes increased HR, BP. This is a precursor to NE and Epi
- Stimulates β1 & small amount of β2 and alpha
- Dosing:
1. 0.5 - 5 mcg/kg/min - dopaminergic receptors (inc CO, inc UOP)
2. 5 - 20 mcg/kg/min - β effects (inc CO, inc SVR)
3. >20 mcg/kg/min - alpha effects (inc CO, inc SVR, inc HR)
4. MAX 20-30 mcg/kg/min - Half life 2 min
- Watch out for extravasation, tachycardia, arrhythmias
Phenylephrine (Neosynephrine)
* Class
* Receptor activation
* Dosing
* Half life
* Side effects to watch for
- Vasopressor which increased BP and SVR
- Pure alpha (alpha-1 agonist)
- **Dosing: 0.05 - 3 mcg/kg/min **
1. 0.05 - 3 mcg/kg/min - Watch for extravasation, reflex bradycardia - due to selective vasoconstriction and elevation of blood pressure, dysrhythmias, HTN, chest pain
Vasopressin (Pitressin)
* Class
* Receptor activation
* Indication
* Dosing
* Half life
- Vasopressor which increases BP and SVR
- Natural Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
- V1 agonist - vasoconstricts, inc SVR
1. stimulates smooth muscle contraction of the vessels - V2 agonist - inc water reabsorption
1. Works in the kidney as an anti-diuretic - 2nd line vasopressor in sepsis and CVS, also given for GI bleeding and DI
- Dosing:
1. 0.01 - 0.1 units/min
2. Sepsis: 0.03 - 0.04 units/min - Half life 10 - 20 mins (why we dont actively titrate)
Phentolamine (Rigitine)
* Class and indication
* Receptor activation
* Dosing
* What can also be used
- Alpha 1 blocker -> reverses alpha 1, used for vasopressor or dilantin extravasation. Prevents necrosis and sloughing of tissue
- Phentolamine mesylate 5 - 10 mg
- Topical nitroglycerin paste can also be used
Dobutamine (Dobutrex)
* Class
* Receptor activation
* indication
* Dosing
* Half life
* Side effects to watch for
- Pressor medication that stimulates beta receptors, β1 (some alpha) inc contractility and CO.
- Used in cardiac surgery and septic shock
- Dosing:
1. 2 - 20 mcg/kg/min IC (up to 50 mcg/kg/min)
2. Onset 1 - 2 min up to 10 min - Half life 2 min
- Monitor for tachycardia, hyper/hypotension/ ectopy, hypokalemia
Milrinone (Primacor)
* Class
* indication
* Dosing
* Half life
- Phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor which increases myocardial contractility and acts as a pulm vasodilator. Inc CI, dec PAOP, dec SVR, no change in HR (not only PA dilation)
- Used as inotrope and as bridge to transplant
- Dosing:
1. Maintenance dose 0.375 - 0.75 mcg/kg/min
2. Bolus 50 mcg/kg over 10 min not done often - Half life is long! 2.5 hours