Ch. 1 Cardiac Basics Flashcards
Atrial Kick
- Definition
-Contributes what % to overall CO?
- At the eod of diastole, the atria depolarize and contract
- Atrial kick is 20-30% of CO
What portion of the body supplies the SVC vs. IVC
- Thorax & up
- Thorax & below
Where the blood is drawn from in the heart and normal value
- SvO2
- ScvO2
- Tip of Swan Catheter (blood from pulmonary artery): 65 - 75%
- Central Line (SVC or RA): >70%
Coronary Sinus
- Location
Aortic sinuses
-Branches into
- Coronary arteries are perfused during what
- Tachycardia has a negative impact on what cardiac measure of ejection of blood? d/t what
- Heart posterior joining of great cardiac vein and oblique vein which feeds to right atrium
- Located @ base of the aorta immediately above the aortic valve on a widened area known as the sinuses of valsalva
- branch into left, right and non coronary
- CA’s perfused during DIASTOLE
- Negative impact on CO & Stroke Volume d/t shortened diastolic filling time
RCA perfuses
Circumflex perfuses
LAD perfuses
Left Main perfuses
which walls are perfused by what
RCA: Inferior wall, Right atrifum, Right ventricle, posterior septum, PDA
Circumflex: Lateral wall, left atrium, posterior left ventricle
LAD: Septal and Anterior wall, Anterior and inferior left ventricle, anterior septum, bundle of HIS/BB, papillary muscle - mitral valve
Left Main: Circumflex & LAD
Coronary Circulation
What percent have E?
Name each letter
A- RCA, Acute marginal
B- Left Main
C- Circumflex
E- Ramus, 20%
G- Obtuse marginals
H- Diagonals of LAD
Chordae tendinae and papillary muscle attach to what?
A- Tricuspid Valve
B- Pulmonic Valve
C- Aortic Valve
D- Mitral Valve
Attach to tricuspid and mitral valves from inside the ventricles to prevent prolapse into atria
What are you hearing during S1 vs S2?
AV valves are open during _____ and semilunar valves are open during _____ ?
S1: AV valves closing (Tricuspid and Mitral)
S2: Semilunar valves closing (Aortic and Pulmonic)
Diastole, Systole
S4 Atrial Gallop
- Definition and mnemonic
- Commonly heard in what conditions?
- “Te - ne - ssee” / “Believe me”
Sound caused by vibration of atria ejecting blood into non-compliant ventricles - Heard in cases of left ventricular hypertrophy, auscultated during ischemia, HTN, Pulmonary stenosis, CAD, aortic stenosis
Systole/Diastole each are what % of the cardiac cycle?
S3 Ventricular Gallop
Heard in what cardiac state? Mnemonic
Common in what 3 groups?
1/3 , 2/3
Fluid overload, S3, “I - Be - lieve”
Children, High CO, 3rd trimester
Split Heart Sounds
- definition
- best heard during
Split S1 vs split S2
- cause and examples
- Sound made when one valve closes later than the other
- Best heard during inspiration
- S1: Mitral closes before tricuspid
- RBBB, Pacing, PVCs
- S2: Aortic closes before pulmonic
- Overfilled RV, ASD
The “Big 5” D/c meds following ACS
- ASA indefinitely
- P2Y12 receptor blocker (1 yr or more)
- Beta blocker indefinitely
- Statin high intensity indefinitely
- Ace-inhibitor or ARB when EF<40% or anterior wall MI indefinitely
Beta Blockers
- Indications
- Action
- Side effects
- Perscription
Do not start in
- Arrhythmias
- Blocks catecholamine, blunts the sympathetic nervous system causing decreased heart rate and AV node conduction, decreased contractility and myocardial O2 consumption, decreased automaticity and slowed remodeling
- Can cause fatigue for several months
- Administered within 24 hours, continued indefinitely
Do not start with BB in active decompensation
Cardio-selective beta blockers vs. non-selective beta blockers
- examples
- definition
- effects
- Cardio-selective block only Beta 1, Non-selective block Beta 1 and Beta 2 (& sometimes alpha)
- Metoprolol (lopressor), Metoprolol XL (toprolol XL), Metoprolol tartrate & succinate, Atenolol (tenormin),
- Carvedilol, Sotalol, Labetalol, Bisoprolol, Propranolol
- Negative inotropic effects = slows HR, suppresses contractility
Metoprolol tartrate
- Indication
- Action
- Dose IV/PO
Metoprolol succinate
- Indication
- Action
- Dose PO
Both used for
- Used post MI for arrhythmia protection
- Both block renin production and block hormones like adrenaline
- IV: Full dose 15 mg
- PO: 100-400 mg QD
- Used in heart failure
- Beta 1 blocker max dose 200 mg PO if tolerated
- Both can be used for hypertension and angina