Ch. 2 Great Depression Flashcards
A person who buys and sells stocks and shares
Ticker tape on which stocks and shares transactions were recorded. Could not keep pace when Wall Street crashed.
When firms or people have insufficient funds to pay their debts. Relatively few brokers went bankrupt after Wall Street Crashed.
Wall Street Journal
A daily financial newspaper
Dow Jones Industrial Average
An index showing how shares in the top 30 largest companies are trading on Wall Street.
The idea that Native Americans should adopt American lifestyle and values; their traditional way of life should disappear. Dawes Severalty Act.
Each Native American family was given an allotment of 160 acres of land to farm, which went against the traditional idea of common land ownership. Dawes Severalty Act.
Per capita income
Income per head of the population, highest in NE and far West.
Short term wages
Where hours of work are reduced. This happened when employment was unstable.
Illegal hangings, often used by the KKK as a means of terror. Lynchings became less common in the 1920s.
Survey taken every 10 years to enumerate everyone in the country. 1920 Census showed that the US had become an urban nation.
Farm lobby
Politicians and interest groups who put forward the farmers’ case to the government. Had very powerful government influence but felt threatened by urbanization
Banning the sale, transportation, and manufacture of alcohol for consumption, negatively impacting grain prices and therefore farmers.
Yellow dog clauses
Where employees had to agree not to join a labor union.
The “Fed”
Federal Reserve Board, a group of banks