Ch. 2 Equally likely outcomes Flashcards
Consider a scenario with m equally likely outcomes, {ω1 , … , ωm} = Ω
In the equally likely outcomes model, P(A), A c Ω, is
P(A) := mA/m
Where mA is the number of outcomes in the event A
|A| =
The number of outcomes in the event A
Suppose we must make k choices in succession where there are:
m1 possibilities for the first choice
m2 possibilities for the second choice
mk possibilities for the kth choice
Total no of distinct possible selections is:
m1 x m2 x m3 x …. x mk
Suppose we have m distinct objects and we select r less than or equal to m of them without replacement, no of ordered lists is
m! / (m-r)!
Suppose we have m distinct objects and we select r less than or equal to m of them without replacement, no of distinct subsets of size r is:
m! / r!(m-r)!
m choose r