Ch. 2: Business Ethics Flashcards
Study of what is right or good for human beings
Business ethics
Study of what is right and good in a business setting; includes the moral issues that arise from business practices, institutions, and decision making.
Ethical fundamentalism
Individuals look to a central authority or set of rules to guide them in ethical decision making.
Ethical Relativism
Asserts that actions must be judged by what individuals subjectively feel is right or wrong for themselves.
Situational ethics
One must judge a person’s actions by first putting one’s self in the actor’s situation; to understand what motivated the other to choose a particular course of action.
Moral actions are those that produce the greatest net pleasure compared with net pain.
Jeremy Bentham proclaimed, a good or moral act is one that results in “the greatest happiness for the greatest number.”
Act utilitarianism
Assesses each separate act according to whether it maximize his pleasure over pain.
For example, if telling a lie in a particular situation produces more overall pleasure than plain, then an act utilitarian would support lying as the moral thing to do.
Rule utilitarianism
Supports rules that on balance produce the greatest pleasure for society.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Quantifies the benefits and costs of alternatives.
Seeks the greatest economic efficiency according to the underlying notion that, given two potential acts, the act achieving the greatest output at the cost promotes the greatest marginal happiness over the less-efficient act, other things being equal.
Holds that actions must be judged by their motives and means as well as their results.
-address the practical problems of utilitarianism by holding that certain underlying principles are right or wrong regardless of any pleasure or pain calculations.
Social ethics theories
Focus on a person’s obligations to other members in society and on the individual’s rights and obligations within society.
Social egalitarians
Believe that society should provide all its members with equal amounts of goods and services regardless of their relative contributions.
Distributive justice
Stress equality of opportunity rather than results.
Stress market outcomes as the basis for distributing society’s rewards.
- Libertarians oppose social interference in the lives of those who do not violate the rules of the marketplace.
- What is unjust to libertarians is any attempt by society to take wealth earned by citizens and distribute it to those who did not earn it.
A Rational person possesses inherent power to assess the correctness of actions.
Good person philosophy
Individuals should seek out and emulate good role models.
Kohlberg’s Stage of Moral Development:
Preconventional ( Childhood)
A child’s conduct is a reaction to the fear of punishment and, later, to the pleasure of reward. Although people who operate at this level may behave in a moral manner, they do so without understanding why their behavior is moral. The rules are imposed upon them.
Kohlberg’s Stage of Moral Development:
Conventional (Adolescent)
People conform their behavior to meet the expectations of groups, such as family, peers, and eventually society. The motivation for conformity is loyalty, affection, and trust. Most adults operate at this level.
Kohlberg’s Stage of Moral Development:
Postconventional (Adult)
According to Kohlberg, some
reach the third level, at which they accept and conform to moral principles because they understand why the principles are right and binding. At this level, moral
principles are voluntarily internalized, not externally imposed. Moreover, individuals at this stage develop their own universal ethical principles and may even question the laws and values that society and others have adopted.
Corporations as moral agents
Because a corporation is a statutorily created entity, not a person, it is not clear whether it should be held morally responsible.
Regulation of business
Government regulation has been necessary because all the conditions for perfect competition have not been satisfied and free competition cannot by itself achieve other societal objectives.
Corporate governance
Vast amounts of wealth and power has become concentrated in a small number of corporations, which in turn are controlled by a small group of corporate officers, and it is argued that they therefore have a responsibility to undertake projects to benefit society.
Arguments Against Social Responsibility:
Because corporations are artificial entities established for profit making activities, they’re only social obligation should be to return as much money as possible to shareholders.
Arguments Against Social Responsibility:
Whenever corporations engage in social activities, such as supporting the arts or education, they divert funds rightfully belonging to shareholders and/or employees to unrelated third parties.
Arguments Against Social Responsibility:
A corporation is subject to less public accountability than public bodies are.
Without clear guidelines and accountability, companies pursuing their private visions of socially responsible behavior might well distort the entire process of governance.
Arguments Against Social Responsibility:
Although a corporation may have a high level of expertise in selling its goods and services, there is absolutely no guarantee that any promotion of social activities will be carried on with the same degree of competence.
Arguments in Favor of Social Responsibility:
The Social Contract
Because society allows for the creation of corporations and gives them special rights, including a grant of limited liability, corporations owe a responsibility to society.
Arguments in Favor of Social Responsibility:
Less Government Regulation
By taking a more proactive role in addressing society’s problems, corporations create a climate of trust and respect that has the effect of reducing government regulation.
Arguments in Favor of Social Responsibility:
Long-Run Profits
Corporate involvement in social causes creates goodwill, which simply makes a good business sense.
Stakeholder model
Corporations have a fiduciary duty to all of their stakeholders, not just their
stockholders, but also employees, customers, suppliers, and managers, as well as the local communities in which it operates.