Ch. 2: Breathing and speech production/ breathing Apparatus Flashcards
anatomy of breathing
skeletal superstructure
breathing apparatus
how many vertebrae are there?
how many spinal nerves are there?
how many cervical vertebrae?
how many thoracic vertebrae?
how many lumbar vertebrae?
how many sacral vertebrae?
5 (which are fused)
how many coccygeal vertebrae?
5 (which are fused)
how many ribs?
what do the ribs attach to?
the sternum and costal cartilage
what makes up the pectoral girdle?
clavicles (2) (collarbones)
scapulae (2)
what makes up the pelvic girdle?
coxal bone (2) aka hip bones, combine with the sacral + coccygeal portions.
what does the breathing apparatus include?
pulmonary apparatus
chest wall
pulmonary - chest wall unit
- provide oxygen of cells of the body
- remove carbon dioxide from cells
physiology of the pulmonary apparatus
- pulmonary airways (aka pulomanary tree)
- lungs
anatomy of the pulmonary apparatus
vertebrae / spinal nerves
pectoral girdle
pelvic girdle
what makes up the skeletal superstructure of the breathing apparatus?
breakdown the pulmonary airways (aka pulmonary tree) : tubes! :
- c shaped cartilages with open-ends towards the back.
- flexible wall shared with the esophagus.
bronchi breakdown:
m l s s s t b t r
main-stem bronchi lobar bronchi segmental bronchi subsegmental bronchi small bronchi terminal bronchi bronchioles terminal bronchioles respiratory bronchioles
alveolor breakdown:
alveolor ducts
alveolor sacs
(300 million) : where O2 and CO2 are exchanged
pair of spongy structures with resilient elastic fibers.
visceral pleura
parietal pleura
parts of the lungs
lungs are covered with this airtight membrane.
visceral pleura
inner surface of chest wall where it contacts the lungs.
parietal pleura
- allows pleura to move easily upon one another.
- links two pleura together (“pleural linkage”) so that the lungs and chest wall move as a unit.
- encases and provides structure for pulmonary apparatus.
- made up of muscles.
chest wall
- rib cage wall
- diaphragm
- abdominal wall
chest wall
- dome -shaped muscle, like an inverted bowl. Left side slightly lower than right.
- muscle includes central tendon.
- connective tissue and several large muscles.
- increased: stomach, intestines… suspended from above by a suction force underneath the diaphragm.
abdominal wall
sternocleidomastoid scalenus (anterior,medius, posterior) pectoralis major pectoralis minor subclavius serratus anterior external intercostals internal intercostals transversus thoracis latissimus dorsi serratus posterior inferior lateral iliocostalis cervics lateral iliocostalis lumborum lateral iliocostalis thoracis levatores costarum quadratus lumborum subcostals diaphram
rib cage: muscles