Ch. 2: Aristotle's medieval view and Francis Bacon Flashcards
Aristotle : two different realms
Superlunary/Celestial region
Sublunary/TErrestrial realm
Aristotle’s medieval view of the cosmos
the earth is heavy and immobile, placed at the center of the universe and the cosmos sorrounding the earth was made up of crystalline spheres to which planets and stars are attached
Sublunary/ Celestial region
(Area from the moon outwards) In this realm everything is eternal and perfect. THings move in perfect circles
Sublunary/Terrestrial realm
(Area between earth and moon) In this realm things are corruptible and perishable. There are elements that come to being, exist or a while and then die and decay. They don’t move in perfect circles, nut instead go in a straight line and then halt
Who introduces the idea of the ‘idols’
Francis Bacon
Why does Francis Bacon introduce the idea of the ‘idols’
he thinks that the mind doesn’t have perfect images of the world, instead lots of views are actually distorted (distortions that exist in four different categories). In order to establish a science based on accurate knowledge of reality, one must purge their mind from the idols.
Idols of the tribe
endemic to humans. Fault in postulating regularity in nature, the failure to see visual illusions as illusions
IDols of the cave
implications of nurture (upbringing, education) not corresponding with nature
Idols of the marketplace
Distorted beliefs rooted in language, we sometimes get trapped in the idden presuppositions hidden in linguistic expressions
Idols of the theatre
accepted dogmas, old schools of thought, traditions
Francis Bacon : analogy of insects
spiders: rationalists, who weave a web of their own substance. Ants: empiricists, that merely collect and use. Bacon says that we should aspire to be like bees, which gather necessary materials than tranform and difest it by a power of their own.
name the book used as the new toolg for investigting nature
Novum Organum
Explain the Francis Bacon’s new method for science
his aim with the novum organum is to bring forward a total reconstruction of science basing it on proper foundations, It would no longer rely on faith tradition and the theological canon of church authority, but would instead be guided by observation and eperimenting