ch 2. Flashcards
mission statement
a statment about the type of business products/services, customers, reasons for existence, etc. for customers, stakeholders, prospective employees, competition, other businesses, etc.
corporate goals: a set of goals in terms of;
- products/services
- market/customers
- growth/profitability
- expansion/contraction, etc.
a plan for achieving corporate/organizational goals (based on its competitive priority)
examples of organization goals?
- satisfy customers
- compete in the market place
- manage the organization
- develop capabilities
- sustain growth
- achieve financial objectives
the methods and actions taken to accomplish strategies
competitive priority (core competency, or competitive advantage)?
Each company uses an option to position itself in the market place
a distinctive competence, or competitive advantage, compared to its competitiors
Examples of competitive priority: Cost
low cost producer of goods and services
Examples of competitive priority: quality
performance, consistency, reliability, features, durability, aesthetics, appearance, conformance to specifications, etc. (generally an characterisitc of a product for which customers are willing to pay more for)
Examples of competitive priority: Time (responsiveness)
- product/service delivery time (speed)
- product/service development time (speed)
- after-sales service time, etc
Examples of competitive priority:differentiation
any distinctive product/service features, based on design, quality, flexibility customer service, location, etc
a company may choose to use a combination of competitive priorities for a product or service. Ture? false?
order qualifiers criteria
product or service characteristics necessary to survive in the marketplace
order winners criteria
product or service characteristics necessary to outperform the competition and become the market leader
strategy formulation requires?
Swot analysis and environmental scanning
Swot analysis
- strengths
- weaknesses
- opportunities
- threats