CH 2 Flashcards
application of evolutionary biology to understanding social behavior of animals including humans
how does evolution occur
-natural selection
-animals that are best adapted to the environment are more likely to survive, reproduce, and pass on genes to the next generation
how do humans choose mates
-physical attractiveness
-physique and complexion
what are the obstacles to reproductive success
-infant vulnerability
-maternal death
sexual selection (darwin)
selection that creates differences between male and female
what are the 2 processes for sexual selection
1.) competition among members of one gender for mating access to members of the other gender
2.) preferential choice by members of 1 gender for certain members of the other gender
what are some criticisms of sociobiology
-objection to see biological determinism
-outmoded version of evolutionary theory
short term mating (women)
choose partner that gives immediate resources
long term mating (women)
able and willing to provide for the indefinite future
what are the psychological theories
1.) psychoanalytic
2.) learning
3.) social exchange
4.) cognitive
what are the 2 major forces motivating human behavior
1.) libido
2.) thanatos (death instinct)
what are the 3 major parts of the human personality
1.) id
2.) ego
3.) superego
basic part of the personality present at birth
-reservoir of psychic energy, operates on pleasure principle
-reality principle
-realistic, rational interactions with others
-values and ideals of society
oral stage
-birth-1 yr
-sucking/stimulating lips and mouth
anal stage
-interest on elimination
-2 years
phallic stage
-3-6 years
-boys focused on phallus (penis)
-development of oedipus complex
oedipus complex
boy desires mother sexually
girl phallic stage
-penis envy
-electra complex
electra complex
desire to be impregnated by father
gender schema
cognitive structure comprimising set of attributes (behaviors, personality, appearance) that people associate with male and female
consider multiple group memberships and identities (gender, race, social class, sexual orientation)
belief that heterosexuality is the only pattern of sexuality that is normal and natural
symbolic interaction theory
human behavior and social order are products of symbolic communication with people
what are the 3 basic assumptions to approach the study of sexuality
1.) every society regulates the sexuality of its members
2.) appropriateness/inappropriateness of a particular behavior depends upon the institutional context within which it occurs
3.) basic institution of society (religion, economy, family, medicine, law) affect rules governing sexuality in society
what is the tradition of ascetism
abstinence from sexual pleasures
relational ideology
sex outside of marriage in a loving relationship is good
therapeutic ideology
individual and social problems require medical treatment
what are the 2 components of medicalization
1.) certain behaviors and conditions are defined in terms of health and illness
2.) problematic experiences and practices are given medical treatment