Ch 2 Flashcards
Research process steps
7 steps (can take years)
Step 1
Choosing a research question (Can be answered with scientific method)
Step 2
Conducting a literature review
Step 3
Developing a hypothesis
Step 4
Designing a study
Step 5
Conducting the study
Step 6
Analyzing the data
Step 7
Reporting the results
Research Progresses Questions
Focus is on identifying and describing various phenomena
Example: How many people are tired
Causal Research Questions
Questions about what causes specific behaviors to occur
Theory = explanation of behavior that can be tested through research
Basic research
Rather the goal is understanding the fundamental process related to phenomena
Example: Does stress-levels impact academic performance?
Applied Research
Focuses more on application of basic research with the goal of solving everyday problems
Example: What are effective techniques to reduce stress among college students?
Or & And
In general, using “or” will allow us to find more possible matches whereas “and” will allow us to find more specific matches
truncation (*)
Some words might have slightly different phrases the describe related things
mean that articles have to have the exact order of a phrase
prediction regarding a study’s results
Theory-driven Hypothesis
Predictions based on a theory relevant to the behavior of interest
Example: working memory and attention
Data-driven hypothesis
Prediction based on the results of previous, related studies
Example: streaming and sleep
Descriptive hypothesis
Prediction that describe behaviors
Causal hypothesis
Prediction about results of a study that include causes of behaviors
(cause and effect)
Prove = no good
We do not prove a hypothesis or theory is correct
in a research study
Formatting Citations
Use of author(s)’ last name and publication date
“And” n “&”
Pay close attention to the use of the word “and” and “&” (ampersand)
Example: Hamilton and Mayes (2006) stated that
Example: (Einstein & McDaniel, 2005)