Ch. 19 Flashcards
Since an insufficient amount of tooth structure is remaining supragingivally, the retention of the provisional restoration is greatly ____. For this reason, a wire or metal, non-serrated post can be placed inside the canal and an acrylic filled, standard polycarbonate crown former can be placed coronally. In this preclinical laboratory exercise, the Omnivac template will be used instead of the polycarbonate crown formers and a paper clip will be used for the wire. The use of a paper clip intraorally should not be done ____!
Take a paper clip, straighten it, and bend it to form a loop. (Figure 19-1) The ____ end is the retentive portion where the acrylic resin will be retained.
Clinically, you can select a standard ____ which fits over the prepared tooth structure. The cervical portion of the crown former should fit over the cervical finish line of the tooth. With the monoject syringe, fill the syringe and inject the acrylic resin around the preparation with the post in place. Fill the polycarbonate crown former and seat it over the tooth.
polycarbonate crown former