ch 18, fusobacteria, leptotrichia, and spirochaetes. Flashcards
Fusobacteria nucleatum subscp. polymorphum is found where?
healthy gingival tissue
Fusobacteria nucleatum subscp. nucleatum is found where?
periodontal diseased pockets
what shape are fusobacteria?
cigars with pointy ends
what allows fusobacterium to stick?
FadaA fusobacterium adhesion A
in combination with spirochaetesand fusobacterium cause what 3 things?
Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis/ trench mouth
Vincents angina- ulcerative tonsilitis
Cancrum oris or noma- a sequal to acute ulcerative gingivitis which causes tissue death
since fusobacteria adhere, what can they do?
be a part of plaque.
leptotrichia is present where
present in dental plaque
how many of the 5 genera of spirochaetes are pathogenic?
3, treponema, borrelia, leptospira
all spirochaets are
anaerobic, or microaerophilic
treponema pallidum
spread by contact with lesions, bodily fluids.
penicillin is drug of choice
what does treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue cause?
what does treponema carateum cause?
pinta- a depigmentation of skin
where are oral treponemes found in the mouth?
gingival margin and crevice
oral treponemes cause
are a component of fusospirochaetal complex of acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis and vincents angina. Also a coagent of advanced periodontal disease
which oral treponeme is most proteolytic?
T. denticola - it degrades collagen and dentin.
Borrelia burgdorferi
ticks and small mamals, it causes lyme disease and unilateral facial palsy
found in damp water and wet soil.
lepptospira pathogenicity
Kidneys of some rodents act as a reservoir for L. interrogans and can cause human leptospirosis, which causes mild febrile illness to fatal attacks of jaundice and renal failure.