Ch 18 Flashcards
Antitrust laws
Laws protecting commerce from unlawful restraints
Objective is to foster competitiom
Business trust
Corporations tied themselves together in business trusts
To thwart competition
Form of business organization where trustees hold title
To property for benefit of others
Sherman Act: section 1
Every contract, combination in form of trust or otherwise,
Or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce among
Several states/foreign nations is illegal
Felony punishable by fine or imprisonment
Sherman Act: section 2
Every person who shall monopolize, or attempt to, or
Combine or conspire with others to monopolize any
Part of trade/commerce
among states/foreign countries is deemed guilty of felony
Main ways section 1 of Sherman Act differs from section 2
Section 1 requires 2 or more persons
Section 2 can be unilateral conduct
Section 1 cases of Sherman act involve?
Section 2 cases?
Section 1: Finding written/oral agreement that leads to a
restraint Of trade
Section 2: cases deal with structure of monopoly that
Already exists in marketplace (misuse of monopoly power)
Market in which there is single seller or very limited # of
Monopoly power
Ability of monopoly to dictate what takes place in a given
Market power
Power of firm to control market price of its product
Monopoly has greatest degree of market power
Jurisdictional requirements of Sherman Act
Restraints that apply to interstate commerce
US nationals abroad that engage in activities that affect
US foreign commerce
Per se violation
Type of anticompetitive agreement that is considered injurious
To public
No need to determine whether it injures market competition
Naturally considered violation of Sherman Act
Rule of reason
Test where court balances positive effects (ex. Economic
Efficiency) of agreement against anticompetitive effects
In antitrust litigation, many practices are analyzed under
Rule of reason
Horizontal restraint
Any agreement that restrains competition between rival
Firms competing in same market
Horizontal restraint: Price-fixing agreement
Agreement btw competitors to fix prices of products and
Services at certain levels
Per se violation of section 1
Horizontal restraint: group boycott
Refusal by group of competitors to deal with person or
Prohibited by the Sherman act, per se violation of section 1
Horizontal restraint: Horizontal market division
When competitors divide up territories or customers
Per se violation of section 1 of Sherman act
Trade associations
Organized to pursue common interests
4 Joint activities of trade associations
1 exchange info
2 representation of business interest in front of governmental bodies
3 advertising campaigns
4setting regulatory standards to govern profession/industry
Concentrated industry
Industry where large percentage of market sales is controlled
By single firm or small number of firms
Vertical restraint
Any restraint on trade created by agreements btw firms at
Different levels in manufacturing and distribution process
How are vertical restraints different from horizontal restraints
Vertical restrains encompass entire chain of production
While horizontal restraints occur at same level of operation
Vertically integrated firm
Firm that carries out 2 or more functional phases of chain
Of production
(Ex. Manufacture, Distribution and retailing)
Vertical restraint: territorial or customer restrictions
Manufacturing firm institutes territorial restrictions
Prevents wholesalers or retailers from reselling product to
Certain classes of buyers (competing retailers)
Resale price maintenance agreement
Agreement btw manufacturer and retailer where manufacturer
Specifies what retail prices of its product must be
Judged under rule of reason whether they violate Sherman