Ch 17 Flashcards
How do courts evaluate nuisance
Courts balance equities btw/ harm caused by pollution
And costs of stopping
Common law doctrine
persons may be held liable for using their property in manner
that unreasonably interferes w/ others rights to use/enjoy
Their property
Toxic tort
Civil wrong arising from exposure to toxic substance
Ex. Asbestos, radiation, hazardous waste
Injured party may sue business polluter in tort under…
Negligence or strict liability theories
Primary federal agency regulating environmental law?
US environmental protection agency (EPA)
Environmental Impact Statement
Statement required by the National Environmental Policy
Act for any major federal action that has major effect on
Quality of environment
Statement must analyze the action’s impact on environment
And explore alternative actions that might be taken
Mobile sources of pollution
Automobiles and other vehicles
What do individuals and groups who oppose regulations often do?
File lawsuits to attempt to prevent an agency from taking
Regulatory action
Stationary sources
Include manufacturing plants
Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)
189 substances classified as harmful under the Clean
Air Act, have strict pollution control regulations imposed
Include asbestos, benzene, vinyl chloride
Water-saturated areas of land that are designated by
government agency as protected areas that support wildlife
Can’t be filled or dredged by private parties without permit
Safe drinking water act 1974
Requires EPA to set maximum levels for pollutants in
Public water systems
Toxic Substances Control Act 1976
Regulates toxic substances
Resource Conservation Recovery Act (1976)
Requires EPA to determine which forms of waste are
Considered hazardous + establish regulations to monitor
And dispose
Producers of hazardous waste must label package properly
For any waste to be transported
Potentially responsible party (PRP)
Party liable for costs of cleaning up hazardous waste
Disposal site under Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) 1980 AKA Superfund
Regulates cleanup of leaking hazardous waste disposal sites
4 Potentially Responsible Parties
1 person who generated waste disposed on site
2 person who transported wastes to site
3 person who owned/operated site at time of disposal
4 current owner/operator