Ch 17 Robbins- Esophagus and Stomach Flashcards
What is the most common form of congenital intestinal atresia?
It is due to failure of what structure to involute during development?
1) Imperforate anus
2) Cloacal membrane
What presents as aspiration, suffocation, pneumonia, severe fluid/electrolyte imbalance?
A stenosis causes the lumen to be markedly reduced via?
Where is it most common?
1) Fibrous thickening of the wall
2) Esophagus and SI
What is an incomplete formation of the diaphragm that allows cephalad displacement of the abdominal viscera?
What can it cause?
1) Diaphragmatic hernia
2) Pulmonary hypoplasia
When are all three layers of the bowel wall present: Mucosa, Submucosa, Muscularis propria?
True diverticulum
What is the persistence of the vitelline duct which connects lumen of the developing gut to the yolk sac?
Where does it occur?
1) Meckel diverticulum
2) Ileum
What are the rule of 2’s for Meckel diverticulum?
1) Occur in 2% of the population
2) Occur within 2 feet of the ileocecal valve
3) Are 2 inches long
4) 2x more common in males
5) Symptomatic by age 2 (only 4% are ever symptomatic)
What can congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis cause?
How does it present clinically?
1) Regurgitation, projectile, nonbilious vomiting after feeding
2) Palpable firm, 1-2 cm ovoid abdominal mass
What condition causes congenital aganglionic megacolon?
What is it due to?
What is always affected?
1) Hirschsprung disease
2) NCC fail to migrate from cecum to rectum or ganglion cells undergo premature death
3) Rectum
With Hirschsprung disease what are absent in the distal segments?
1) Submucosal plexus (of Meissner)
2) Myenteric plexus (of Auerbach)
How is Hirschsprung disease diagnosed?
1) Stain for the ganglion cells with H/E
2) Immune staining for acetylcholinesterase
What condition is associated with megacolon due to loss of ganglion cells?
Chagas disease
What is the normal epithelium of the esophagus?
Stratified squamous
What GI problem can mimic MI pain?
Esophageal dysmotility
What causes chest pain when swallowing cold food?
Diffuse esophageal spasm
What do Zenker diverticulum lead to?
Regurgitation and halitosis
What is associated with atrophy of the muscularis propria as well as secondary epithelial damage?
What is it caused by?
1) Benign Esophageal Stenosis
2) Fibrous thickening of submucosa
What is associated with GERD, chronic graft-versus host disease, or blistering skin disease?
What conditions is it seen in?
1) Esophageal mucosal webs
2) Paterson-Brown-Kelly or Plummer-Vinson syndrome
Increased tone of the lower esophageal sphincter as a result of impaired smooth muscle relaxation is characteristic of?
This is an important cause of?
What are signs and symptoms of this?
1) Achalasia
2) Esophageal obstruction
3) Bird beak sign on barium swallow
What is characterized by transmural tearing and rupture of the distal esophagus?
What does it present like?
What is the characteristic Hamman’s sign due to?
1) Boerhaave syndrome
2) Like a heart attack
3) Pneumoperitoneum in the mediastinum
Punched out ulcers with viral inclusions and a rim of epithelial cells is characteristic of esophagitis due to?
Submucosal fibrosis without significant acute inflammatory infiltrates is characteristic of esophagitis due to?
1) HSV
What is the most common cause of esophagitis and most common outpatient GI diagnosis?
Reflux esophagitis (GERD)
How does GERD present clinically?
How does severity relate to the degree of histologic damage?
1) Heartburn, dysphagia, regurgitation of sour tasting contents, increased saliva
2) They are NOT related
Large numbers of intraepithelial eosinophils, particularly superficially is characteristic of?
Eosinophilic esophagitis