Ch. 17 & 21 Flashcards
a heat resistant fibrous mineral that can be woven into fabrics to be used in fire resistant and insulating materials
an increase in the concentration of a chemical in specific organs or tissues at a level higher than would normally be expected
increase in concentration of slowly degradable fat soluble chemicals in organisms at successively higher trophic levels
bio magnification
chemicals, ionizing radiation, and viruses that cause or promote the development of cancer
a state of continuous or recurring contact with toxic substances or radioactive materials over a long period of time
chronic exposure
the only air pollutants with national air quality standards that define allowable concentrations of these substances in surrounding air
criteria pollutants
plot of data showing the effects of various does of a toxic agent on a group of test organisms
dose response curve/relationship
substances that cause an allergic reaction
when 50% of the population is affected but not killed by a certain dose of a substance
ED50 (median effective dose)
chemicals that, at certain doses, can interfere with the endocrine (hormone) system in mammals
endocrine disruptor
any solid, liquids, or containerized gas that can catch fire easily, is corrosive to skin tissue or metals, is unstable and can explode or release toxic fumes, or has harmful concentrations of one or more toxic materials that can leach out
hazardous waste
wastes produced by mines, factories, etc.
industrial waste
amount of a substance that kills half of the test population
LD50 (median lethal dose)
solid materials discarded by homes and businesses in or near urban areas
municipal solid waste (MSW)
chemical or form of radiation that causes mutations in the DNA molecules in genes
chemicals that can harm the human nervous system
fields or holes in the ground where garbage is deposited and sometimes covered with soil
open dumps
contain fire retardant properties and are used in computers; they appear to be endocrine disrupters
identifying, evaluating, and ranking risks and hazards to determine options and make decisions about reducing risks
risk analysis
waste disposal site on land in which waste is spread in thin layers, compacted, and covered with a fresh layer of clay or plastic foam
sanitary landfills
chemical, ionizing agent, or virus that causes birth defects
the minimum dose of ionizing radiation, a chemical or drug that will produce a detectable degree of any effect
threshold dose
measure of the harmfulness of a substance
organic compounds that exist as gases in the atmosphere and act as pollutants
VOCs (volatile organic compounds)
chemical that adversely affects the health of an organism