Ch 16. Organized Crime Flashcards
Criminal activity is “organized” if it is perpetrated by a group of people who…(2)
- conspire together on a continuing/secretive basis
- toward a financial or other material benefit
Definition: is composed of three or more persons in or outside Canada; and has as one of its main purposes or main activities the facilitation or commission of one or more serious offenses, that, if committed, would likely result in the direct or indirect receipt of a material benefit, including a financial benefit, by the group or by any one of the persons who constitute the group.
Criminal Code of Canada Section 467.1
two or more people involved; the larger the number, the more likely it is organized. Individuals come together expressly to commit offences such as drug trafficking, extortion, human trafficking, and/or gambling
Sociological definition of organized crime
What are the three types of gangs according to sociologist Mark Totten (2012)
- Street Gangs
- Mid-level Gangs
- Organized Crime Groups
Street gang Structure (7):
- Leader/Kingpin (core)
- President/Captain
- Veteran/Heavy
- Core Members
- Striker/Soldier
- New Recruit
- Poser - Wannabees
1.continuity/continuing enterprise
2. involves career criminals
3. insulation against enforcement/prosecution
4. sophistication
5. recruitment - focusing on young people
the institutional characteristics of organized crime
- profit-oriented crimes
- supply of good/services in demand
- engagement in consensual/predatory crime
- counterfeit products
- corruption
- protection
Commercial Characteristics of Organized Crime (6)
Behavioural Characteristics of Organized Crime (2)
- strict rules
- rationality - maximizing profits
What are consensual crimes versus predatory crimes in OC
- consensual crime: involves no victim: drug trafficking
- predatory crime: involves victim, human trafficking, theft, fraud
1.participants/onlookers experience an emotional high from group violence
2.leaders use power to gain members compliance
3.the relationship between gang leader/gang members resembles that of abusers/victims
4.the use of power/fear reinforces this relationship
The Cycle of Violence in Organized Crime
Understanding the Causation of OC: (three theories)
- Alien Conspiracy Theory
- Ethnic Succession Theory
- Economic Theories
- Bisopschological Perspective
The RCMP estimates that there are more than…
…2000 organized crime groups operating in Canada.
- FOB (fresh off the boat) killers
- Mexican Cartel - La Familia
- United Nations Gang
- Hellis Angles/Outlaws
- Various Indigenous Gangs (prairies)
Organized Crime Groups in Alberta
2001, Bill C-24: broadens the powers of law enforcement to seize property used in crime and ultimately to initiate proceedings leading to the forfeiture of the assets of OC.
Bill C-22: saw the “creation of an agency to combat money laundering”
Bill C-95: legal system has more power for greater discretion, enhanced surveillance, change to bail provisions, tougher sentencing, new provisions for criminal definition
The government’s response to Organized Crime in Canada?
a group having at least three members, taking some action in concert for the purpose of committing a ‘serious crime’ and for the purpose of obtaining a financial or other benefit. The group must have some internal organization or structure, and exist for some period of time before or after the actual commission of the offence(s) involved.
TheUN Convention on Transnational Organized Crime
Alien Conspiracy Theory
OC is the result of the importation of secret criminal societies rooted in foreign cultures. Disproven Theory
Ethnic Succession Theory
The lack of legitimate opportunities for ethnic minority groups pushes them towards criminal innovations to achieve the American Dream
Economic Theory (Rational Choice)
Views OC as economically rational behaviour based on laws of supply and demand
Bio/Psychological Perspective
looks at the biological, psychological and social reasons for gang membership
Bureaucratic/Hierarchical Model of OC
Views OC structure as bureaucracy that’s highly structures, hierarchical, tightly controlled, with rational arrangement of roles and positions with divisions of labour
In Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba combined OC gangs were involved in how much of drug trafficking, assaults, and vandalism?
42% on drug trafficking
32% assaults
32% vancalism