Ch 16: Chapter Review Flashcards
Respiratory System
The Respiratory System subsection list endoscopy codes according to what criteria?
Anatomic Site
Sinus endoscopy codes report unilateral procedures. What type o endoscopy is reported as unilateral or bilateral?
Diagnostic nasal endoscopes
What subsection is referenced when a procedure on the nose is by internal approach?
Respiratory System Subsection
A surgical operation in which an incision is made in a sinus to prevent or reduce inflammation is called a(n) ______.
Repair of a laryngeal web is usually performed in ______ ______.
Two stages
This ligament is the larger frontal part of the laryngeal membrane.
The withdrawl of fluid from lungs by means of an aspirating needle is called ______.
The pneumonectomy codes are assigned based on this documentation.
How much of the lung is removed
Define: Surgical incision into the chest wall and insertion of a chest tube.
Define: Bones on the inside of the nose that are shaped like a spinal shell and humidify, warm, and filter the air.
Define: Removal by cutting or destruction.
Define: Lighted endoscope to view the pleural spaces and thoracic cavity.
Define: Surgical puncturing of the lung to withdraw fluid.