CH 15 Flashcards
What are some of the characteristics of the best companies to work for?
- Encourage open communication
- Room for promotion
- Stress quality in output
- Profit sharing
- Reduced distinctions between ranks
- Pleasant work environment
- Matching funds for saving plans
- Feeling part of a team
What (tasks or functions) does staffing include?
• Hiring, placement, promotion, transfer, job design and training
What is an integrated staffing model and what components does it include?
• Orderly flow of moving people into through and eventually out of the organization
What are skill standards?
• The level of performance necessary to be successful in a job
What are the benefits of using skill standards?
-so you don’t have a complete incompetent dumbs working for yee
Recruitment-sources Internal
promotions, transfers, rehires; friends and relatives of employees
Recruitment-sources External
from media sources (newspapers and web ads), employment agencies, schools, labor unions, agencies for the disabled, refugee or immigrant agencies
What are the disadvantages of employing relatives?
- Conflict of interest
- Qualification standards
- Scheduling conflicts
What types of information do employment applications ask?
• Biographical data- name, address, telephone number, work experience, and education
o references
• Illegal to ask about race, religion, sex, age, martial status or national origin
What is the purpose of the selection interview?
• Obtain information about the applicant’s skills and qualifications
What information or questions are illegal to ask on applications or during the interview?
• Race, age, sex, religion, sex, martial status or national origin
- Face-to-face
- Panel/committee
- Behavioral
- Telephone
- Group
- Lunch or dinner interview
- Stress interview
TYPES OF INTERVIEWS (see hand out)
- Open ended-“tell me about…”
- Closed ended (factual)- “yes” or “no”
- Hypothetical- “what would you do if…”
- Behavioral- uses past experiences to predict future behaviors
- Psychological tests/Health examinations
Types of interview questions-
How do you plan and conduct an interview?
What is the most important phase of staffing?
What is the orientation for?
• Introducing a new employee to job and company
What types of information are presented in an orientation?
- Company policies
- Available benefits
- Expectation
- Completion of documents
- Introduction to coworkers
- Intro to job
What are the advantages of a good training program?
- Reduction in labor turnover
- Absenteeism
- Decrease in accidents
- Decrease in production costs
- Increase employee morale, job satisfaction and productivity
What is the first step in developing a training program?
• Decide what training is needed
What are the different types of training?
Group training-save time for trainer and provides interaction that comes from a group setting
• On-the-job-training- tasks learned on the job through day to day experience
What is a performance evaluations used for?
- Used to determine job competence, need for additional training or counseling, and to review the employees progress in the organization
- Should be ongoing and employees should know what is expected and that they are being evaluated
What are the different types of performance evaluations?
- Critical-incident appraisal method
- Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)
- Management by objective
How are performance evaluations conducted?
• Measures for competence
How are promotions and transfers related to performance evaluations?
• How well a person performs determines if they get promoted
What is a “competence” evaluation (healthcare)?
• Evaluates if the basic skills can be performed
Explain the step-wise process used in disciplining employees?
- Investigate by interviewing parties involved
- Compare infraction to policies
- Consider if infraction is the result of a clack in training or unclear instruction
- Determine level of disciplinary action (verbal, written, suspension, termination)
- Involve human resource department depending on the severity of the situation or per facility guidelines
- Counsel in private
- Two managers or a manager and a supervisor should be present during all counseling sessions
- Don’t make the counseling personal
How do we discipline an employee?
How do we termination an employee?
What is the difference between policies and directives or rules?
- Policies are written and guides for future actions
* Rules are things people need to comply with
What are polices related to personnel called?
• Labor policies
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
(also called the Federal Wage and Hour Law)-
eliminated poverty and determined minimum wage (because of depression)
What is the current minimum hourly wage?
7 fuckin 25
What myths are associated with the minimum wage?
check it?
Social Security Act of 1935
protects against loss of income because of unemployment
Equal Pay Act of 1963
Amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act
prohibits discrimination of pay on the basis of sex. Requires employers to pay men and women the same wages for doing equal work requiring equal skill, effort, and responsibility that are performed under similar working conditions
How are tips handled?
How is overtime defined and paid?
covers all laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination and or requiring affirmative action
Regulations and interpretive guidelines provide guidance to management for compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (all federal EEO statues)
Civil Rights Act of 1964-
prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin for participation in or being denied benefits for any program or activity
Title VII
includes discrimination based on religion and sex
Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978
can’t discriminate against people who are pregnant
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990-
prohibits discrimination against qualified people who are qualified and requires accommodations
Age Discrimination Act of 1967
prohibits discrimination against workers who are at least 40 but less than age 70
Sexual harassment • Quid pro quo-
• Quid pro quo- occurs when a supervisor rewards or punishes a subordinate for providing or not providing sexual favors
Sexual harassment• Hostile environment
desire to stay in position undermined by an atmosphere infused with unwelcome sexually oriented or otherwise hostile conduct created by supervisors or coworkers
What factors are considered as creating a hostile environment?
- Comments
* Anything that’s inappropriate
What should a manager do if they receive a sexual harassment complaint?
• Address the complaint
What are quotas? How do quotas relate to affirmative action?
- Fixed, inflexible percentages or number of positions hat an employer decides must be filled by members of a certain minority group
- Affirmative action does not use quotas, but uses goals to increase women and minorities in specific positions
Immigration and Control Act of 1986
makes it illegal to recruit and hire people who are not legally eligible for employment in the US
What is an I-9 form?
• Proves you are legal to work in the US
What is E-verify?
• Internet-based system that compares information from an employee’s I-9 form to data from U.S. dept. of homeland security
What benefits do employees receive other than wages?
- Health and safety
- Economic services
- Convenience and comfort
Benefits generally represent what percent of wages earned?
OSHA (1970)-
employers must provide a hazardous free workplace and workman’s comp.
Worker’s compensation-how does it work?
• Covers employees cost related to on the job accidents/injuries
Social Security Act-how does it work?
protects the wage earner and their family against loss of income due to age, disability and death
Family Leave and Medical Act of 1993
employees are eligible for 12 weeks of unpaid and job-protected leave for themselves, a spouse, a parent, or a child with a serious health condition
regulates employee’s rights to join a union, prohibits unfair management practice and interfering with employees wish to join a union, requires employers and union members to bargain collectively
determines whether employees should be represented by a union
Labor Management Relations Act-
prevents unions from coercing employees to join, outlaws the union shop and closed shop, makes it illegal for unions to refuse to join in collective bargaining
Collective bargaining-
contract that labor union members vote on. Contract is binding and for a specified length of time
Union shop
look it up
closed shop
look it up
Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959-
contains a bill of rights for union members, requires financial disclosures by unions, defines procedures for the election of union officers, provides civil and criminal remedies for financial abuse by union officers