Ch. 14 Vocab Flashcards
Divided government
When different political parties control different parts of the government
Unified government
When some political party controls the executive branch and legislative branch, basically they control both branches
Government can’t make laws or make decisions because different sides CANT AGREE
Electoral College
System United States uses to elect a president
Bully pulpit
Leader/president used their position or power of their job to enforce ideas/changes
Veto message
The explanation on why a president or governor rejected a bill
Pocket veto
President indirectly(2nd handily) vetoes a bill by not signing it within 10 days, preventing bill from being a law. They’re vetoing a bill but they just aren’t doing it face to face!
Line item veto
President crosses out parts of a bill they don’t like while still going over the rest
Signing Statement
When president adds comments while signing a bill into law, explaining what they want to do with the bill and how they want to enforce it
Pyramid Structure
A way of organizing a leaders’ staff, where info flows from lower levels up through clear chain of command to the top leader. Basically, a line up of people ranked from least powerful to most powerful
Circular structure
A way of organizing leaders’ staff where info flows freely in all directions rather than a strict straight forward chain a command. People can speek more openly instead of sticking to a specific order
Ad Hoc Structure
Temporary way of organizing staff where teams are created for specific tasks or projects. It’s basically people placed into groups and they have an assignment they need to finish together. Kinda like a school project, and it’s for limited time!
Group of presidents top advisors, typically heads of executive departments. Help President make decisions and implement policies. It’s just the presidents top/most powerful people that can help him out!
Process by which government official, including the president, can be accused of wrong doings. If house votes to impeach, the senate will hold a trial to decide whether to kick them out or let them stay. If the president treats us badly, we can kick him out.