ch. 14 advertising Flashcards
Valentine v Chrestensen
Chrestensen bought a submarine and wanted to advertise for tours. Court ruled advertising had no FA protection
New York Times v Sullivan
- Court ruled the message communicated information and was not a commercial ad.
- Paid political speech
- Some kinds of commercial speech protected by FA
Bigelow v Virginia
- The abortion ads were not purely commercial
- Contained factual information of clear public interest
- Soeech is not stripped of FA protection merely b/c it comes in the form of paid ads
VA State Board of Pharmacy v VA Citizens Consumer Council
- Pharmacy board prohibited licensed pharmacists from advertising price of prescription drugs
- Freedom of speech also appllies to the recipient of information
- FA protection had never been denied merely b/c of commercial reasons
- FA protection not lost b/c money is spent to project it
- Commercial speech is not so removed from any exposition of ideas that it lacks protection
- Matter of public interest that economic decisions be intelligent & well-informed
- Some forms of commercial speech may be regulated (i.e. untruthful speech)
Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation v Public Service Commission
-Electric company barred from ads during energy crisis
-Hudson test:
Gov may regulate false advertising and ads for unlawful goods/services (side note)
Gov. may also limit speech if
1. gov claims a substantial state interest to justify the regulation
2. the gov demonstrates that the regulation directly advances the claimed interest
3. the regulation directly advances the state interest through the least speech-restrictive means possible
44 Liquormart v Rhode Island
Court ruled Rhode Island failed to establish a relationship b/w its abridgement of commercial speech and goal of promising temperance
Lorillard Tobacco Co v Reilly
- Massachusetts had created regulations that included attempts to restrict outdoor advertising and point-of-sale ads
- State’s interest was unrelated to the communication of ideas
US v Edge Broadcasting
Ban on lottery ads in NC even though the radio station’s audience included Virginians
Nike v Kasky
Kasky lost case against nike because he didn’t have standing, meaning he had no suffered from injury from Nike’s speech
Lanham Act
Regulates the trademark registration process and also includes a section permitting business competitors to sue one another for false advertising
U-Haul International v Jartran Inc
Jartran sued for misrepresenting U-Haul’s trucks and prices in an advertisement
Federal Trade Commission
- Independent agency that reports to congress
- Headed by 5 commissioners, nominated by pres and confirmed by senate
- FTC protects consumers from deceptive/unfair practices by business.
Ads that exaggerate the merit of services/products in such a manner that no reasonable person would take the ad seriously
FTC preventive measures
- opinion letters
- advisory opinions
- industry guides
- trade rules
- voluntary compliance
FTC corrective measures
- cease & desist orders
- consent orders
- substantiation
- litigated orders
- corrective advertising
- injunctions