Ch. 14 Flashcards
A situation that threatens one’s physical safety, arousing feelings of fear, horror, or helplessness
Traumatic stressor
Suddenly violent calamities, either natural or manmade, that cause trauma
Catastrophic Event
What are the 5 stages that occur in the wake of natural disasters?
- Psychic numbness
- Automatic action
- Communal effort
- Letdown
- Recovery
Personal accounts of a stressful event that describe our interpretation of what happened and why
News coverage expands that experience; can create second-hand traumatization
Trauma in the Media
Severe stress caused by exposure to traumatic images or stories
Vicarious Traumatization
Emotional response to loss; painful complex feelings
Final phase of grieving
Emotion surrounding a loss that others do not support, share, or understand
Disenfranchised grief
The exclusive, active, and intentional social rejection of an individual by others
Targeted rejection
delayed stress reaction; an individual involuntarily re-experiences emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of last trauma
Pressures in our social, cultural, and economic environment
Societal Stressors
A syndrome of emotional exhaustion, physical fatigue, and cognitive weariness, often work related
State of exhaustion experienced by medical and psychological professionals, as well as caregivers; leaves the individual feeling stressed, numb, or indifferent
Compassion fatigue
A psychological rating scale designed to measure stress levels by means of attaching numerical values to common life changes
Social Readjustment Ratings Scale (SRRS)
A sequence of internal processes that prepares the organism for struggle or escape
Fight-or-Flight Response
A temporary pattern of stressor-activated arousal with a distinct onset and limited duration
Acute Stress
What does the Tend-and-Befriend model propose?
Females are biologically predisposed to respond to threat by nurturing and protecting offspring and seeking social support
Impairment in the function of the immune system
Field that studies the influence of mental states on the immune system
Hormone like chemicals that fight infection and facilitate communication between the brain and the immune system
DNA protein complexes that cap the ends of chromosomes and protect against damage to DNA
Behavior pattern characterized by intense, angry, competitive, or hostile responses to challenging situations
Type A
Behavior pattern characterized by a relaxed approach to life
Type B
Expectations about our ability to influence the outcomes in our life
Locus of control
Belief that one has the ability to influence their life outcomes
Belief that they can do little to influence their life outcomes
A pattern of failure to respond to threatening stimuli after an organism experiences a series of ineffective responses
Learned Helplessness
Attitude of resistance to stress based on a sense of three characteristics: control, commitment, and challenge
An attitude that interprets stressors as specific in their effects, external in origin, and temporary
Capacity to adapt, achieve well-being, and cope with stress, in spite of serious threats to development