Ch 1.4 Flashcards
Statement of Income
reports revenues and expenses, how did the company’s operation perform during period?
Statement of changes in equity
changing in each part of shareholders equity (common shares and retained earning), and also TOTAL EQUITY during period
Statement of financial position
report of assets and liabilites and differece (shareholders equity) AT ONE MOMENT OF TIME
A - L = S
Statement of Cash Flows
shows where a company got cash durong a period of time + how cash was used
other: notes to the financial statments
contains aditional info that is cross referenced to main 4
other: statment of comprehensive income
must be prepared when a public compreports comprhensive income earned form certain iterms
other: statment of retained earning
private comps make this instead of a statement ofchanges in equity
quarterly synonynm
when do many companies choose to end their acct year
whenever inventory and operations are slow, there fore it is less effort
typical acct year end
jan 31
statment of income
-List revenues first
-lists expenses
- revenues-expenses= net income/loss before tax
- net income b4 tax -income tax
-net income/loss
when are cents used
round transactions for official records, but for internal records you should use cents
why do ppl care about net income
-investors use past income to predict future income (buying/selling shareS)
-creditors use this to predit risk of lending money
statment of changes in equity
Shareholders equity= share capital +retained earnings
Share capital
money recieved by shareholders whne shares are initalily issues
share capital =common +preffered
Statement of changes in equity format
- beginning balance of share capital
- any new shares being issues (or deduct any amount paid to re-buy shares)
Common shares beginning of period + common shares sold - common shares rebought = common shares end of period
Retained earning
cumulative amounts of net income retained; if negative= deficit
How do you calculate changes in retained earnings
revenue-expenses= net income/loss
retained earning at beginning of period + net income/lloss - dividends declared = retained earnings, end of period
Why are dividends declared not part of the expenses in the statemetn of changes in equity
?? they are <3
is dividends declared= divdends paid
NOT ALWAYS, can be different
What is the statement of changes in equity used for
1) looking at divdiend declaration practices (high % of net income given to shareholds or is it reinvesting the net income to grow)
2) seeing if company is issuing or rebuying shares
What does it mean if a company is issuing shares
raising capitalwh