Ch. 13: Preincident Planning and Code Enforcement Flashcards
What is a document that is developed by gathering general and detailed data used by responding personnel to determine the resources and actions necessary to mitigate anticipated emergencies at a specific facility?
Preincident plan
What is described that contains equipment, materials, or items that have a high replacement value?
high-value property
What has the potential to produce a catastrophic property or life loss in the event of a fire?
a high-risk property
What provides a representation of the exterior of a structure, identifying site access, doors, utilities access, and any special considerations or hazards?
plot plans
What provides interior views of a building?
floor plans
What refers to the total quantity of all combustible products found within a room or space?
fuel load
What determines how much heat and smoke will be produced by a fire, assuming that all of the combustible fuel in that space is consumed?
the fuel load
What phase of fire is the starting point of a fire?
incipient phase
What phase of a fire is when it involves other objects in the fire?
free-burning phase
What phase of a fire is when the fire has consumed all of the oxygen but has retained its heat and still has fuel available to it?
smoldering/decay phase
What should provide critical information that could be advantageous for responding personnel?
A preincident plan
What is a drawing of the interior of the structure and is similar to an architect’s blueprints?
floor plan
What plan allows the officer to identify considerations for a fire attack quickly?
floor plan
What establishes legally enforceable regulations that relate specifically to fire and life safety?
a fire code
Fire code requirements are often adopted or amended in reaction to fire disasters, an approach known as the?
catastrophic theory of reform
What term used in NFPA documents to refer to “an organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure?”
authority having jurisdiction (AHJ)
What contains regulations that apply to the construction of a new building or to an extension or major renovation of an existing building?
building code
What applies to existing buildings and to situations that involve a potential fire risk or hazard?
a fire code
What is a law that is enacted by authorized subdivision of a state, such as a city, county, or town?
an ordinance
What are documents developed by a standards-developing organization, such as the NFPA?
model codes
What are designed as tools to assist firefighters in combating a fire?
built-in fire protection systems
What are the three primary components of water-based fire protection systems?
automatic sprinkler systems, standpipe systems, and fire pumps
What are the four types of special extinguishing systems that may be used in various structures?
carbon dioxide, dry or wet chemical, halon/clean agent, or foam
What is a fundamental size-up consideration when firefighting strategy for a burning structure is being determined?
construction type
What type of construction is the most durable and lasting structure?
Type I: Fire Resistive
What type of construction often uses compartmentation instead of fire sprinklers to control fire spread?
Type I: Fire Resistive
What type of structural frame is expected to resist fire for 1 hour?
Type IIA
What type of structure is described as a strip shopping center with cinderblock walls, unprotected steel columns, and steel bar joists supporting a steel roof deck?
Type IIB
Described by Brannigan as the 20-min. firefighting rule of thumb
What type of construction is no higher than four stories and was designed to preserve the load-bearing walls if fire consumed the building?
Type III
What type of construction was used to build commercial, multiple-family, and mercantile types of buildings through the 1980s, described by Brannigan as “Main Street USA?”
Type III
What type of construction is described as mill construction that features massive wood columns and wood floors?
Type IV
What type of construction may the entire structure be constructed of wood or any other approved material?
Type V
What type of buildings are the most common structures and include single-family, multiple-family, mercantile, and low-rise commercial buildings?
Type V
What structure will maim or kill the first-arriving firefighters if they enter the structure and fall through a fire-weakened floor?
Type V
What refers to the purpose for which the building or portion of a building is used or is intended to be used?
occupancy type
What are classified into use groups based on the characteristics of the occupants, the activities that are conducted, and the risk factors associated with the contents?
What type of occupancy is used for the gathering of people for deliberation, worship, entertainment, eating, drinking, amusement, or awaiting transportation?
an assembly
What occupancy is used for account and record keeping or transaction of business other than mercantile?
a business
What occupancy is used for educational purposes through the 12th grade?
educational occupancy
What occupancy is for either product manufacturing or processing, assembling, mixing, packaging, finishing, decorating, or repair operations are conducted?
an industrial occupancy
What occupancy is used for purposes of medical or other treatment or for care of four or more persons?
healthcare occupancy
What occupancy is used to house four or more persons under varied degrees of restraint or security, where such occupants are mostly incapable of self-preservation because of security measures?
detention and correctional occupancy
What occupancy is used for the display and sale of merchandise?
mercantile occupancy
What occupancy provides sleeping accommodations for purposes other than health care, detention, or corrections?
residential occupancy
What five categories are included in the category of residential occupancies?
- One- & two-family dwelling
- Lodging or rooming houses
- Hotels
- Dormitories
- Apartment buildings
What occupancy is used primarily for storing or sheltering goods, merchandise, products, vehicles, or animals?
storage occupancy (cold storage, granaries, lumber yards, warehouses)
What occupancy has multiple types of occupancies within a single structure?
mixed-used property
What category of occupancy represents unusual structures, such as towers, water tanks, and barns?
miscellaneous category
NFPA 704
Blue - Health hazards
Red - Flammability hazards
Yellow - Material’s reactivity hazard
White - Special hazards
Steps to conducting an inspection.
1) Circle area as you park apparatus, get general overview of property
2) Meet the property owner/manager to let them know your arrival and are beginning an inspection
3) Begin inspection at exterior of building working systematically throughout the inside; lowest to highest level
4) Conduct an exit interview
5) Write a formal report on inspection