Ch 13 - Muscular System Vocab Flashcards
Connective tissue made of contractile fibers covered by fibrous membrane called fascia. Combo of both is called: Myofascia. Muscles come in 3 types:
- Striated (skeletel or voluntary)
- Smooth (involuntary)
- Cardiac
Fibrous membrane covering muscle tissue. Connective tissue arranged in sheets or bands. Covers, separates and supports muscle. Muscle and fascia together are called: Myofascia.
Striated Muscle
Found in all skeletal muscles and also in tongue, pharynx and upper portion of esophagus. Called striated due to striped appearance of bundled muscle fibers. Called “voluntary muscle” because they are consciously controlled. Involved in movement of body parts, reflexive movement and maintenance of posture. Also produce heat when used (a function of shivering).
Hypertrophy vs. Atrophy
Hypertrophy: Increase in muscle size due to exercise/use
Atrophy: decrease in muscle size due to lack of use
Manner and style in which a person walks. Coordinated by skeletal muscles of the trunk, legs and arms—and even the neck.
Smooth Muscle
Found mainly in internal organs of the digestive tract, respiratory passages, walls of blood vessels, and urinary bladder. Arranged in sheets and layers; “Involuntary” because it functions without thought. Size/strength unaffected by exercise.
Cardiac Muscle
Contains striations similar to skeletal muscle, but arranged in branching networks rather than bundles. Intercalated Disks are located at their connections, increasing efficiency of electrical impulse transmission throughout heart. Pumps blood. Like striated muscle, this muscle improves with use/exercise.