Ch 13- Employment Flashcards
What is work?
An activity that requires effort
e.g. GAA club members doing voluntary work
What is employment?
Any work undertaken for payment
What is voluntary work?
When people freely offer to carry out some work or activity without payment for their time and effort
Why do people volunteer? xxx
-They are passionate about the cause
-They have personal experience of a cause they want to help
-They have had help themselves and now want to give back and help others in a similar situation
What should volunteers make sure to do? xxx
-Be reliable
-Attend any training provided
-Do the tasks assigned to you to the best of your ability
-Do the work in a professional manner, as if you were doing paid work
What are the benefits of volunteering to the volunteer? xxx
-A chance to learn new skills and use existing skills
-Can lead to paid employment in the future and provides an opportunity to get work experience
-Shows initiative and personal enterprise
-Offers chance to make new friends and improve social and interpersonal skills
What are the benefits of volunteering to the organisation? xxxx
-Volunteers bring a range of new skills, expertise and ideas to the organisation
-Involvement of passionate and highly motivated people
-Funds can be directed towards the organisations main aims and activities
-Volunteers can act as ambassadors, which creates positive publicity
What are the benefits of volunteering to society/ the economy? xxxx
-Communities improve when members work together
-Increased range of community services and activities
What must a contract of an employee contain?
-Employer’s name and address
-Employee’s name and address
-Job title
-Job description
-Code of conduct expected
-Date of commencement and duration of contract
-Holiday entitlements
-Hours of work / location of work
-Pension arrangements
-Sick leave entitlements
-Signatures of employer and employee
What is remuneration?
It is the salary or wages received, when they will be received and how they will be paid
What are the types of employment?
-Job sharing
What are the skills/qualities required by employees?
Name 3
-Team worker
-Good communicator
What are the benefits of work? xxxx
-Self-esteem and sense of achievement is improved
-Develop skills to increase your chances of promotion or finding another job
-Opportunity to travel in some jobs
What is unemployment?
When anyone of working age who is available for work but is unable to find work
What is an employer?
A person or business that pays employees for their work
What is a right?
Something you are entitled to recieve
What is a responsibility?x
A duty or something that you should do
What can rights and responsibilities be clarified as?
-Legal: as set out by national or EU law
-Social: the treatment of workers by employees
-Environmental: a safe and healthy workplace
-Ethical: doing what is right
What are the rights of employees?
-Receive a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work
-Receive at least minimum wage
-Receive a contract of employment
-Adequate rest breaks
-Holiday pay
-Work in a safe and respectful
-Not to be bullied or discriminated
-Join a trade union
What are the responsibilities of employees?
-Carry out their duties as stated in their contract
-Be punctual
-Treat others with respect
-Follow workplace rules and safety instructions
What are the rights of employers?
-Decide on the objectives of the business
-Hire suitable staff for their business
-Dismiss dishonest or unsuitable staff
-Expect loyalty from all staff
What are the responsibilities of employers?
-Ensure the workplace is safe and has healthy working conditions
-Provide adequate training
-Pay agreed wages
-Provide holiday leave and pay
What are the details on employee records? x
-Personal details
-Job application form or CV
-Attendance, punctuality and work performance
-Copy of employment contract
-Records of PAYE, PRSI and USC paid
What are industrial relations?
The relationship that exists between employers and their employees in the workplace
What is a trade union?
An organisation that represents workers workers, protects their rights and negotiates with employers on pay and conditions of work
What is a shop steward?
What do they do?
It is a trade union representative in the workplace.
They are elected by the workers to represent them in dealings with the employer.
List the types of industrial action
-Official strike: When employees refuse to work for their employer.
The trade union must give the employer one week’s notice of the strike action
-Work to rule: when employees work exactly as their job description
-Go-slow: When employees work but at a slower pace
-Token stoppage: When employees stop working for a short period of time
List the legislations protecting employees
-Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act 1996
-Employment Equality Acts 1998-2011
-Unfair Dismissals Act 1977-2007
-Industrial Relations Act 1990
What is the Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act 1996? x
-Protects workers under the age of 18
-Places restrictions on the number of hours worked and prevents them from engaging in late-night work
What is the Employment Equality Acts 1998-2011? xx
It covers all aspects of employment to try promote equality in the workplace, e.g.
-Hiring and training employees
-Equal pay
-Opportunity for promotion
-Conditions of work
-Advertising for employees
Unfair Dismissals Act 1977-2007: xxx
1. What is it?
2. Invalid reasons for dismissal
3. Valid reasons for dismissal
- It states what employees can and cannot be dismissed for.
- Employees cannot be dismissed for:
-Becoming a parent
-Religious beliefs
-Political beliefs
-Race - Employees can be dismissed for:
-Not having the necessary qualifications needed to do the job
What is the Industrial Relations Act 1990? xxx
It outlines employees engaging in industrial action cannot be stopped or sued by the employer for losses suffered as a result of industrial action, provided the employees held a secret ballot and gave the employer one week’s notice on the industrial action
What is discrimination defined as? xxx
Name some types of discrimination.
The treatment of one person in a less favourable way than another person is, has or would be treated
-Sexual orientation
What is redundancy?
Having no job for an employee anymore and therefore them being let go with a payout
What does the labour court do?
-Can help resolve disputes that were not resolved by the WRC
-Investigates disputes and recommends a solution in a process known as arbitration
-Court of last resort in industrial relations matters
What is the WRC?
Workplace Relations Commission
-They mediate between employee and employer to try resolve comflict in the workplace.
-This is to try to prevent the issue from going to court.