CH 13 Flashcards
Describe the spinal cord (length, width and limits)
Adult spinal cord is approx 18 inches(45 cm)in length
1/2 inch (14mm) wide
Ends between vertebrae L1 and L2
The spinal cord continues to enlarge and elongate until what age?
4 years old
The spinal cord is __ than the spinal canal?
Describe the position of the white matter in the spinal cord
It is superficial.
Contains: Myelinated axons and unmyelinated axons.
Organization of white matter: 3 Comlumns (funiculi)
- Posterior white columns
- anterior white columns
- Lateral white columns
Describe the position of gray matter in the spinal cord.
Surrounds central canal of spinal cord
Contains: Neuron cell bodies, neuroglia and unmyelinated axons.
Has projections ( Gray Horns)
Cervical enlargement
Responsible for supplying nerves of shoulders and upper limbs
Lumbar enlargement
Nerves of pelvis and lower limbs
In the spinal cord, white matter is separated into ascending and descending tracts organized as__
Ascending: Carry info to the brain
Descending: carry motor commands to the spinal cord
What is the conus medullaris?
Pointy ending of spinal cord
What is the fillum terminalis?
An extension of the pia mater that extends inferiorly and anchors the spinal cord to the coccyx
Cauda equina
Lower lumbar and sacral nerves travel down vertebral canal and come out at different levels nerves of spinal cord travel down to form this cluster of nerves.
Used to get CSF sample.
What is the denticulate ligament?
Extensions from the pia mater that anchor the spinal cord to the vertebral canal laterally, limits the side-to-side movement of the spinal cord.