Ch 12 - Urogenital Self Test Flashcards
The process of forming of urine begins in the:
The tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder are the:
The muscular, hollow organ that temporarily holds the urine is the:
The organ whose functions are to remove waste products from the blood and aid in maintaining water and acid base balance in the body is the:
What is the increase in the size and development of the tissues of the prostate referred to as?
prostatic hyperplasia
The male secretory structures that produce a fluid necessary for adequate sperm motility after ejaculation are called the:
seminal vesicles and prostate gland
The suffix that means drooping, sagging or prolapsed is:
Ureteroscopy is most often used:
when ureteral stones are suspected
Aborior in Latin literally means:
a miscarriage
The diagnostic term that means “state of undescended testes” is:
The diagnostic term for a congenital defect in which the urinary meatus is located on the supper surface of the penis is:
The surgical term lithotripsy means:
crushing of a stone
The diagnostic term hydrocele in males literally means:
water like fluid build-up in the scrotal sac
The diagnostic term “cystoscopy” literally means:
procedure to view and examine the bladder
The diagnostic term “stag horn calculus” refers to:
kidney stone in deer antler shape
The diagnostic term placenta previa actually indicates
low implantation
What is the twisting of blood vessels that supply blood to the male gland?
testicular torsion
Orchitis literally means:
an inflammation of the testes
Phimosis literally means:
a condition of being muzzled
The medical term pyuria means:
pus in the urine
The medical term hematuria means:
blood in the urine
The diagnostic term that means painful menstrual discharge is:
Abruptio Placentae
placental miscarriage
What is abnormal dispersion of endometrial-like lining throughout the abdominal pelvic area?
peritoneal endometriosis
What does micturition mean?
process of urinating or voiding urine
The diagnostic term hydronephrosis actually means:
condition of water backing up into kidney
The term gravida usually means _____, but literally means _____.
pregnant and heavy
Cervicitis literally means:
Parturition literally means:
the process or the desire to bring forth
When the oviducts are inflamed it is referred to as:
The procedural term for the incision into the perineum at the end of the 2nd stage of labor to avoid tearing is ____.
The procedural term for the incision into the perineum at the end of the 2nd stage of labor to avoid tearing is ____.
_______ is a puncture through the abdominal wall into the uterus to remove amniotic fluid.
____ is a puncture through the abdominal wall into the uterus to remove amniotic fluid
What term is used to describe the blood vessels which take blood away from the Bowman’s capsule in the kidney?
The condition of “epispadias” results in:
a defect in the top of the urethra
The accumulation of serous fluid in a sac-like cavity results in a condition whose literally meaning is:
Fibromas are:
connective tissue tumors
The muscular wall of the uterus is called the
Dystocia literally means:
Episiotomy literally means:
pelvis floor/to cut/procedure
A pt with “colpoptosis” is expected to display protrusion of the: