Ch. 12 Flashcards
The ability to reason
- efficient and accurate
- gain efficiency at the cost of accuracy
A mental shortcut to understand things
Types of judgment heuristics
- Attribute substitution
- Availability heuristic
- Representative heuristic
Attribute substitution
- Relies on easily accessed information rather than facts of the individual case
- works well when the easily accessible info relates to the desired side of the information or debate
Availability heuristic
- Judges frequency of something at the ease at which something can come to mind
- we assume airplanes are more dangerous than cars bc of news
- “probability”?
- “availability” based on frequency of situation or circumstance comes to mind
Representative heuristic
- generalizing one person to be like or have traits like a person in their group or category overall
- online video of cop shooting, now all cops are bad
- prototype
Broad Judgements are made from specific observations and cases
Specific to general
A relationship between two variables where the presence of one can be predicted by the other
- ex.) Does college lead to a higher paying job?
Illusion covariation
False covariance
- astrology
Confirmation bias
We ignore disconfirming data
- similar to overregularzation by schemata
Base rate information
Information about the broad likelihood of an event
- can cause covariantion estimates to be incorrect is a neglect of base rate information
- this is why control group is needed
Dual processing model
System 1 & 2
System 1
Fast, automatic thinking, uses heuristics
System 2
Slower thinking, effortful, and more likely to be corrected
Starts with general premise and asks what follows in more specific terms