Ch. 11 - Personality Flashcards
What is not a personality trait of the “Big Five” traits?
According to the Five-Factor model of personality, people who score high in __________ are characterized as anxious, hostile, self-conscious, insecure and vulnerable.
Marcos is a quiet man who avoids large social gatherings, whenever he can. Because he prefers to spend time by himself, some people consider him unfriendly. He rarely makes any kind of scene and he avoids doing anything that could make him the center of attention. Based on the five-factor model of personality, Macros would probably score low in …
Freud divided personality structure into 3 components: the id, the ego, and the superego. According to Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory, a person who tends to be selfish, demanding and doesn’t seem to care about the rights of other people would appear to be influenced more by the ____ than the ____.
ID; Superego
Meagan is strongly attracted to her boss. However, her boss is happily married. To deal with the anxiety that her feelings toward her boss have generated, Megan has unconsciously convinced herself that her boss is actually attracted to her! According to Freud, Meagan is unconsciously dealing with the anxiety caused by her inappropriate attraction toward her coworker, by using the defense mechanism of
Callie just gave birth to her sixth daughter. Unconsciously, she resents the baby’s birth and secretly wishes the infant would have accidently died during delivery. No one has a clue about how Callie really feels about her sixth daughter. In fact, whenever Callie cares for her infant, she showers the child with exaggerated care and affection. According to Freud, Callie may be unconsciously dealing with her hostile feelings toward her new baby using the defense mechanism of
Reaction Formation
Graham lost over $40,000 on some bad investments in the stock market. Consequently he had to trade the expensive Ferrari he had been leasing for a smaller, more economical Toyota Prius. Now he tells everyone that he actually prefers the Prius to the Ferrari because it gets better gas mileage and helps him do his part to help protect the environment. According to Freud, Graham may be unconsciously dealing with his guilt and anxiety over his stock market losses using the defense mechanism of
what are the five stages of development according to Freud …
oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital.
Four-year-old Sam has erotically tinged desires for his mother and also feels hostility to his father. Freud would conclude that Sam is experiencing the
Oedipal Complex
Defense Mechanisms are _ reactions that protect a person from unpleasant emotions.
Jung believed there are certain recognizable character types that many different cultures share. And when anthropologists compare ancient artifacts from South America, Europe, and Australia they do often find similarities among the images that are depicted. According to Jung’s theories, some of these apparent similarities across cultures and across history may stem from shared and inherited memories called
The Collective Unconscious
Carl Jung believed that stories throughout history and across cultures contain different types of easily recognizable characters (the good mother, the scholar, the rebel, the star crossed lovers) that we all understand, connect with, and even sometimes shape our own personalities to fit. In Jung’s theory, these character prototypes that seem to be universally understood are called
Although they came up with different theories of personality, both Carl Jung and Alfred Adler were especially critical of Freud’s overemphasis on
Psychologists have concluded that Alex is deceitful and has a tendency to lie. A behaviorist like B.F. Skinner would theorize that Alex’s personality development was a result of
having learned that he can get away with lying and that he often benefits when he is deceitful.
Mr. Gorst is a very patient individual who always has time for any questions his children might ask. If Mr. Gorst’s children also grow up to be patient individuals, a social-cognitive theorist like Bandura might explain that the children developed the personality trait “patience” due to
Observational Learning
Some personality theorists focus on a person’s potential for positive growth. This broad category of personality theory that assumes people are largely conscious and rational beings who are not dominated by unconscious, irrational needs and conflicts is the
Humanistic Perspective
According to Carl Rogers, an individual’s personality develops partly because of the way he/she is treated by his/her parents. According to Rogers, the best parents are those who can convey that they always love their child, not only during good times, but also when their kids fail to meet expectations. On the other hand, Rogers used the term _______________ to describe parental love that is given only when the child is behaving well and living up to parental expectations.
Conditional Love
Thomas describes himself as an open and relaxed individual, but friends and family members who know him well would describe Thomas as secretive and tense. According to Carl Rogers, Thomas is likely to experience … in-
Abraham Maslow’s key contribution to personality theory was his analysis of how basic needs are organized hierarchically in a pyramid shape. (He said our personalities are shaped by the drive to be the best we can be. We work our way up. At the top of the pyramid is the most healthy personality type possible.) The correct order of the needs in Maslow’s hierarchy, from most basic to highest level, is
physiological, safety, love, esteem, cognitive, aesthetic, self-actualization.
Recent research by behavioral geneticists has shown that identical twins who were separated at birth and adopted by different families, often have similar personality traits. This result suggests that ____ exert some influence over personality.
Genes that are inherited
Some personality tests are projective tests and some personality tests are self-report inventories. Which test below is a projective test?
The Rorschach Test
The MMIP-2 measures …
10 personality traits to find disorders
Janice was shown a series of cards with vague, ambiguous scenes of people doing things. Janice was asked to tell a story about what she thought was happening in each scene. Janice was given a ____ test called the ____.
a projective test; TAT
Alfred Alder came up with what complex ?
” Inferiority Complex “