Ch 11: Group Influences Flashcards
____ argues that each of us has several “selves” that relate to groups. These Linkages are so important that we think of ourselves not just as “I”, but also as “we”
social identity theory
____ describes “the capacity to alter the actions of others”
social power
6 classification of power bases:
- referent power
- information power
- legitimate power
- expert power
- reward power
- coercive power
A ____ is an actual or imaginary individual or group that significantly influences an individual’s evaluations, aspirations, or behavior
reference group
A ____ group consists of people we actually know. inconstrast although we don’t know those in an ____ group, we admire them anyway
membership reference; aspirational reference
we also deliberately do the opposite if we want to distance ourselves from ____ (groups we do not want to be associated with)
avoidance groups
____ is a change in beliefs or actions as a reasction to real or imagined group pressure. for a society to function, its members develop ____ or informal rules that govern behavior
conformity; norm
These are factors that may increase what?
- cultural pressures
- foear of deviance
- commitment
- group unanimity, size, and expertise
- susceptibility to interpersonal influence
- environmental cues
chance of conformity includes
A ____ is a group of consumers who share a set of social relationships based on usage of or interest in a product
brand community
____ is the idea of experienced product users coaching new users in ways to maximize their enjoyment of the product, so that more and more people benefit form a network of satisfied participants
collective value creation
Specific factors that determine how much ____ there will be include:
* interpersonal need (a person’s level of degree to which a person will use th product to satisfy a need)
* product involvement and utility (the degree to which a person will use the product to satisfy a need)
* responsibility ( for procurement, maintenance, payment, and so on)
* power (or the degree to which one family member exerts influence over the others)
family decision conflict
the ____ is the individual who keeps track of the family’s bills and decides how to spend any surplus funds
family financial officer (FFO)
the ____ calls for the husband and wife to act as joint decision makers
synoptic ideal
the ____ represents the life stages of a typical family. it is a composite variable that combines martial status, size of family, age of family members (focusing on the age of the oldest or youngest child), and employment status of the head of household, and then classifies the family into a “typical” stage
family life cycle