Ch 10: Buying, Using, and Disposing Flashcards
A ____ includes a buyer, a seller, and a product or service, but also many other factors, such as the reason we want to make a purchase and how the physical environment makes us feel
consumption situation
A methodology called the ____ encourages brands to map out in excruciating detail all the steps a customer takes while they interact with the company–no matter where, and no matter how trivial
customer journey
the customer journey spans a variety of ____ by which the customer moves from awareness to engagement and purchase
What are the 5 parts of the customer journey?
- awareness
- consideration
- conversion
- loyalty
- advocacy
These are the motives of:
- social experiences
- sharing of common interests
- status
- the thrill of the hunt
- group pressure
hedonic shopping motives
This is the benefirts and limitations of?
Benefits: good customer service, more options, more convenient
Limitations: lack of security, fraud, actual shopping experience, shipping charges
The obituary for bricks-and-mortar shooping appears to have been premature. We are seeing a big trand now where ____ businesses (i.e., those that only operate online) are investing in the types of physical stores they threatened to make obsolete
pure play
The term ____ means that to a shopper visits a store like Best Buy to explore options for big-ticket items like TVs or appliances and then he or she finds a cheaper price for the specific model online
____ is an emerging form of e-commerce that allows an online shopper to simulate the experience of shopping with others in bricks-and-mortar store
social shopping
These contribute to
- location, merchandise suitability, knowledge/congeniality of sales staff
- interior design, types o patrons, return policies
store image (store’s personality)
the shopper engages in ____ when s/he experiences a sudden, unresistable urge
impulse buying
The shopper engages in ____ when they are unfamiliar with a store’s layout or pehaps, s/he is under some time pressure
unplanned buying
A ____ can be an elaborate product display or demonstration, a coupon-dispensing machine, or an employee who gives out free samples of a new cookie in the grocery aisle
Point-of-purchase (POP) stimuli