CH. 11. Crime Flashcards


Crime as A Social Problem and Racial Profiling


CRIME AS A SOCIAL PROBLEM – Although it is easy and tempting to think of offenders as “bad people,” many law violators commit crimes because of momentary lapses in judgment or due to adverse life circumstances.

  • Crime has long-term social, economic, and physical consequences for:
    • The Victim
    • The Offender
    • The Community (Financial cost and loss of sense of safety)
  • This results in a breakdown in “COLLECTIVE EFFACY” – the ability of residents to come together and address problems such as criminal activity.

RACIAL PROFILING – Occurs when police use race or ethnicity as a factor in determining whether a particular individual is suspected of committing a crime.

  • How laws are created and enforced have consequences for the perceived legitimacy of the government.
  • Some laws adversely affect certain social groups.
    • EX: the “War on Drugs,” which prioritized the policing and punishment of possessing crack cocaine (mostly used within poor, largely African American communities) over that of other types, such as powder cocaine (mostly used by middle/upper-class whites).
    • That has resulted in a shift in the prison population from 30% minorities in the 1950s to 60% minorities today.
    • Research shows that when people dislike the police, people are less likely to help police or even call the police when victimized (which is incredibly stupid since they are only hurting themselves).
      • This leads to higher crime rates.
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Crimes are Socially Defined


CRIMES ARE SOCIALLY DEFINED – While it exists in all societies, there is no single understanding of crime as a social problem.

NORMATIVE CONSENSUSBehaviors are illegal because there is agreement among members of society that the behaviors are morally wrong.

NORMATIVE CONFLICT – Says the creation of laws is a way for those in power to maintain their position in society.

  • Consider the example of the “War on Drugs
    • That crack (used by blacks) carried a sentence 100 times harsher than that of powdered cocaine (used by whites) is an example of lawmakers choosing to more harshly punish minority groups.

CRIMES – Are social constructions designating specific behaviors that violate society’s norms at a given time, defined by those in power.

  • Crimes can be also grouped into two categories: mala in se and mala prohibits:
  • MALA IN SE – those that violate the moral conscience and are thought of as wrong in and of themselves.
  • MALA PROHIBITS – Acts that may not be inherently evil but are viewed as wrong because they are defined as illegal by those in power.
    • Recreational use of marijuana is prohibited in many states, but many individuals who are otherwise law-abiding have no problem using marijuana and may highlight that the adverse consequences of marijuana use are not as injurious as excessive alcohol consumption.
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Official Crime Measurement


OFFICIAL CRIME MEASUREMENT– Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) provides a national overview of crimes reported to the police through the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) – separates crime into two primary categories:

  • VIOLENT CRIMES – homicide, rape, aggravated assault, and robbery.
  • PROPERTY CRIMES – Burglary, larceny, and arson.


  • Standardized reporting.
  • Widely Used – 70% of all police agencies report information to the FBI, covering about 95% of the U.S. population.
  • Arrests -- reports whether each criminal event resulted in an arrest.
  • CLEARANCE RATES – The ARREST RATE, Number of arrests divided by the total number of reported crimes.


  • It can’t capture all crimes – Crimes that are unreported are not captured in the data. (no shit)
    • Only 50% of all crimes are reported to the police.
  • DARK FIGURE OF CRIME – The amount of unreported crime.
  • HIERARCHY RULE –I​n any single crime event law enforcement agencies report only the most serious crime committed.
    • EX: An individual robs a convenience store and in the process shoots the clerk, only the shooting will be reported to the FBI.
  • The UCR lacks specific information concerning the crime.
    • EX: There is no mention of the type of relationship between victim and offender or of the number of offenders involved.
  • FBI has attempted to address the problems stemming from the hierarchy rule by phasing out the UCR and replacing it with the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), which presumably contains all the missing information.
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Self-Report Surveys


SELF-REPORT SURVEYS – The surveys ask you questions and then presume that will give honest answers.

  • Used extensively because of and its ability to capture crimes that go unreported to the police, as well as its ability to ask about victimless crimes such as drug use.
    • People are more honest with these than with interviews.
  • Researchers must trust respondents to accurately and honestly report their own offending behavior, which may be biased.
    • Another concern with the self-report method is that much of this research is conducted in middle schools and high schools, and is therefore likely to miss students who have already dropped out of schools—which may include those who are most likely to be delinquent.
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Victimization Surveys


VICTIMIZATION SURVEY – a survey that asks about respondents’ experiences being victims of crime.

  • The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is capable of overcoming the “dark figure of crime” by estimating the annual rate of victimization in the United States (rather than only that which is reported to the police).
    • NCVS derives its estimations from individual citizens directly, which can then be compared to official crime trends captured by the UCR.
      • Crime trends reported by both sources tend to reflect one another in overall direction but not in magnitude.
        • This suggests that both the NCVS and UCR are capable of accurately assessing the extent to which crime is increasing or decreasing over time.
  • LIMITATIONS with self-report surveys, respondents may lie about, or not fully understand, their victimization experiences. Second, the NCVS records multiple instances of victimizations as a “series incident.” – meaning a robbery that also includes breaking and entering, assault, and murder – is treated as a single “series incident” rather than a bunch of individual crimes.
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Philadelphia’s Streets


PHILADELPHIA’S STREETS Elijah Anderson (1999) – Suggested that the culture of inner-city neighborhoods that appeared as chaos and violence to outsiders, was actually the resident’s way of coping with their situation. They knew what the protocols were and the ways they had to carry on.

  • Explained the high rates of violence in mostly black, poor, and violent neighborhoods in Pennsylvania.
  • Everyone had to know the rules of the code for self-preservation.
  • The appearance of the young men gave the community a bad reputation, which also contributed to the stereotyping and demonizing of young black males.
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Profiles of Offenders



  • GENDER: Men are much more likely than women to be arrested for crime.
  • RACE: whites make up 78% of the U.S. population, while African Americans make up just 13%.
    • And whites account for the most likely offender in nearly all arrest groups in the index crimes. This would be expected given the distribution of whites in the overall population
  • However, there are two important exceptions (murder and robbery):
    • In both of these categories, blacks make up the mode (most occurring) offenders.
      • Given their numbers in the population, blacks are overrepresented in arrest data for many crimes, both as offenders and as victims.
        • Most crime is intraracial, meaning that the victim and offender are from the same racial background.
          • EX:, from 1980 through 2008, 84% of white victims were killed by whites, while 93% of black victims were killed by blacks
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Profiles of Victims:



  • There is considerable overlap between the characteristics of offenders and the characteristics of victims.
    • EX: African Americans are more likely to be victims of both violent and property crimes than are whites.
  • Older people experience fewer violent victimizations than adolescents.
  • Since 2010 males and females have reported similar rates of serious violent victimization, with the gap in robbery victimization and aggravated assaults slowly decreasing until 2015, when women reported a slightly higher rate of aggravated assault and serious violent victimization than did men.
  • Sexual assaults and rapes, however, are consistently reported at a much higher rate for women.
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Current Crime Trends



  • Violent and property crime decreased between 1995 and 2015.
  • Crime is substantially lower today than it was when it reached its peak a little over two decades ago.
  • Criminologists have had considerable difficulty accounting for this substantial decline in the crime rate.
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Crime From a Global Perspective


CRIME FROM A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE – Nations differ substantially in the legal definitions of crimes.

  • EX: Haiti, Morocco, and Syria have “HONOR CRIMES” laws that legally justify a man killing his wife or daughter because she offended his honor.
  • Nonlethal violent crime rates in the United States are similar to other economically developed countries.
  • Lethal (resulting in death) violent crimes are higher in the US though. And that is attributed to the easier access to guns.
  • TRANSNATIONAL CRIMES – criminal events not confined within a single border.
    • EX: include drug trafficking, cybercrime, and HUMAN TRAFFICKING, a lucrative form of modern-day slavery.
      • Human trafficking entails the buying and selling of human beings who are exploited over and over again in an ongoing form of enslavement.
      • 27 million people are victims of human trafficking worldwide.
        • A common scheme victimizes young women who are lured by false job prospects to the United States, Japan, and many countries in Western Europe, but on arrival are told they owe large debts for their transportation. They are then enslaved in brothels or forced into street prostitution.
  • TERRORISM – the unlawful use of violence in the pursuit of political aims.
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The U.S. Criminal justice system and its stakeholders


The U.S. Criminal justice system and its stakeholders:

STAKEHOLDERS – Everyone who has is affected by the workings of a given system.

  • EX: In the criminal justice system, stakeholders include those accused of crimes, victims seeking justice, those who process cases, police, attorneys, and court and correctional staff.

The U.S. criminal justice system attempts to address the social problem of crime. It employs STAKEHOLDERS including police, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges – who make decisions about arrests, prosecutions, and sentencing.

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Police (Stakeholder)


POLICEMost visible stakeholders of the criminal justice system.

DECENTRALIZATION OF POWER – police hold limited power and respond to calls only within their own geographic boundaries.

  • Decentralization of power has social implications in that enforcement varies from place to place according to the traditions and norms of local communities.
    • EX: Police in high-crime neighborhoods might prioritize crimes differently than police in suburban communities and overlook relatively low-level offenses, such as disorderly conduct.

The current era, which began around 1970, has been called the COMMUNITY POLICING ERA because police work has expanded to include more proactive and community-oriented strategies.

  • At first, police departments accomplished this goal by taking officers out of patrol cars and putting them on the streets, in schools, and in communities to increase cooperation and trust between private citizens and the police force
  • Beginning in the 1970s, many urban police departments began incorporating data-mapping tools that plot the locations of crimes across different parts of a city.
    • 6% of clusters, or hot spots, account for half of all crime.
    • Police officers can more effectively reduce crime when resources are directed at these hot spots, a policing strategy known as HOT-SPOT POLICING.
    • By focusing police resources on such hot spots, cities can prevent further crime.
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Courts (Stakeholder)


COURTS – The three major actors of the courts are prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges.

PROSECUTORSattorneys who prosecute offenders on behalf of the state.

  • They begin by reviewing the evidence gathered through the police investigation and determine whether the evidence is convincing enough to proceed through the court process.
  • If the prosecutor decides to file charges, there is a PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE, and the prosecution is charged with proving every element of the case BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, a legal standard established in the 1850 case of Commonwealth v. Webster.
    • This standard requires a high amount of certainty that the accused committed the acts;
      • when there is doubt the verdict must be proclaimed “not guilty.”
      • In a small number of cases, defendants will assert AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES, which can include insanity, self-defense, and mistake.
      • An affirmative defense is different from mere reliance on the government to meet its burden of proof and often requires an additional showing by the defendant to prove that her defense was truly caused by these things.

DEFENCE ATTORNEY – An attorney to represent the accused, whose main purpose is to protect the defendant’s rights and guide him or her through the criminal justice process.

  • In the United States, any defendant whose crime could result in a jail or prison sentence is entitled to representation by a defense attorney.
  • A private defense attorney may be retained and compensated by the accused. If the defendant can’t afford an attorney, they will be appointed a defense attorney free of charge. These attorneys are called Public Defenders.
    • PUBLIC DEFENDERSCourt-appointed Defense Attorneys for those who cannot afford to pay for their own legal representation – to defend them during the adjudication process.
      • Oftentimes public defenders are dealing with very large caseloads, which raises questions about the quality of the representation these defendants received.

JUDGESrule on all matters of law. Judges are also given the right to make sentencing decisions within the confines of the law.

  • INDETERMINATE SENTENCING – For many years the goal of the criminal justice system was rehabilitation, and judges had considerable discretion to sentence each offender to a very broad length under the idea that he or she would be released when rehabilitated—a principle known as Indeterminate Sentencing.
    • ​Liberals were concerned over the racial disparities in sentence length.
    • Conservatives were primarily concerned with whether rehabilitation is effective or simply “soft on crime.”
    • As a result, judicial discretion was replaced by a system of DETERMINATE SENTENCING – in which legislatures determined a narrower length of sentences through SENTENCING GUIDELINES – which set boundaries for how long or how intense a sentence could be for each crime.
      • Sentencing guidelines have curbed racial disparities in the criminal sentencing process – somewhat.
  • ADJUDICATION – The process of judging, in which a final judicial decision or sentence is made in a criminal case.
  • IDEAL COURTROOM PROCESS – Ideally, the court process would be adversarial, whereby:
    • the prosecution attempts to receive the best outcome for the state
    • and the defense attorney the best outcome for the defendant.
  • In reality, however, the court process can better be characterized as involving a COURTROOM WORKGROUP – where the prosecutors and defense attorneys work closely together with the shared goal of efficiency instead of absolute justice.
    • This often involves closing cases through PLEA BARGAINING.
      • The benefit of this process is that the U.S. courts are bogged down by a heavy backlog of cases, and plea bargains are more efficient than trials.
      • While every citizen has a constitutional right to a jury trial, if all persons accused of crimes were actually to claim that right, the court system would be overwhelmed.
      • About 95% of all felony convictions in state courts were the results of plea bargains.
  • JURORS – (individuals selected from the general community to serve as the “finder of fact”) will be brought in to identify the evidence they believe to be true beyond a reasonable doubt and render a verdict.
  • Traditional courts in the United States operate under an ADJUDICATIVE MODEL OF JUSTICE – where the typical steps in the process are:
    • ARRAIGNMENT – (in which charges against the defendant are formally announced.)
    • PRETRIAL HEARINGS – (in which discovery of evidence is held to determine the strength of the prosecutor’s case.)
    • MOTION HEARINGS – To Dismiss, Go To Trial, To Defer, To Change Venue
    • DISPOSITION – (trial, plea bargain, or dismissal).
  • Outcomes can depend on a number of factors, both legal and extralegal.
    • LEGAL FACTORS – Include characteristics of the case, such as the seriousness of the crime, length of the defendant’s criminal record if any, and sufficiency of evidence.
    • EXTRA LEGAL FACTORS – Include characteristics of the defendant, such as gender, race, and socioeconomic status.
  • SPECIALIZED COURTS – Rather than using a case efficiency model of justice, specialized courts make problem-solving their primary goal and orient their proceedings toward social justice.
    • Many of these courts try to bring about social change for defendants (EX: to end their drug abuse), for the community (EX: to take guns off the street), and for victims (EX: to end the cycle of violence in which they have been trapped).
      • EX: Drug courts, which have been found to be effective at reducing substance abuse and crime, work with defendants before their cases are resolved, with the aim of helping them end their drug abuse and assisting them in finding better lives for themselves.
    • The participation of private agencies is also a distinguishing feature of specialized courts.

MATTERS OF LAW: The legal process issues that arise during court proceedings and that are in the exclusive jurisdiction of a judge to resolve. i.e. the Judge rules on how the court process is to proceed.

SENTENCING GUIDELINES: A set of standards that are created to establish consistent sentencing practices within a jurisdiction.

SPECIALIZED COURTS: Problem-solving courts set up within local district courts to deal with social problems affecting the surrounding communities.

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Corrections (Stakeholder)


CORRECTIONS – Refers to the guards and administration of jails and prisons.


  • INCAPACITATIONLoss of individual freedom and liberty.
    • In jail, the offender cannot victimize another person in the community.
  • REHABILITATIONHelping the offender with the root cause of the criminal behavior in the hope that this will prevent it from happening again.
    • This can include educational programs, mental health counseling, treatment for drug and alcohol abuse, anger management, and other behavioral therapies.
  • RETRIBUTION – The offender is punishment simply for the sake of punishment.
    • Communicates to the wrongdoer that criminal behavior is not tolerated.
    • ​GENERAL DETERRENCE – To stop crime in the first place.
    • SPECIFIC DETERRENCE – To stop an offender from offending again (recidivism)
      • EX: Strict laws against drunk driving have a general deterrent effect on the public at large, while the experience of losing his or her driver’s license might specifically deter an individual from driving drunk again.

ROBERT MARTINSON – In 1974, criminologist Robert Martinson evaluated the effectiveness of “treatment” programs offered by prisons.

  • Martinson’s report was interpreted as concluding that “nothing works.”
    • As a result, the “get tough” model of crime control took hold. It calls for longer and increased use of prison sentences and has continued to dominate criminal justice policy in the United States.
      • Nevertheless, recidivism (or reoffending) remains high.
  • PROBATION – an alternative to incarceration (e.g., prison or jails) and allows a convicted individual to stay in the community under certain conditions such as supervision, counseling, drug-free status, and a clean record.
    • If an offender fails to comply, probation can be revoked, resulting in incarceration.
  • PAROLE – Parole allows an inmate to leave prison early and finish his or her sentence within the community, also under the supervision and other conditions.
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Crime From Theoretical Perspectives


Crime From The Structural Functionist, Symbolic Interactionist, and Conflict Perspectives:

  • ​Theoretical criminologists attempt to discover why people do (or do not) commit crimes.
  • FUNCTIONALIST – Some argue that individuals violate social norms because they desire a certain level of economic success but lack the opportunities to achieve it legitimately.
  • SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISTIndividuals offend because they learn to define criminal conduct as right, warranted, or justified in certain situations.
  • CONFLICT THEORYcrime is a product of the conflict that exists within society between the powerful and the working class.
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Structural Functionalism


STRUCTURAL FUNCTIONALISM – Begins with a normative consensus assumption that there is general agreement across all aspects of society regarding goals and moral standards.

  • Individuals violate social norms because they desire a certain level of economic success but lack the opportunities to achieve it legitimately.
  • The organization of society itself may cause or contribute to crime and its patterns.

EMILE DURKHEIMb(1984) – Says pathologies can be explained by sociological conditions, specifically anomie.

  • ANOMIEnormlessness, a condition caused by changes in society that render institutions designed to regulate goals and behavior ineffective. The result is ambiguity in behavioral norms.

ROBERT K. MERTON(1938) – Says high crime rates in the United States were the result of a permanent anomic state.

  • In a well-functioning society institutions adequately define both the goals one should seek to attain and the appropriate means to achieve those goals.
    • In the United States, there is an overemphasis on the desired goals (e.g., economic success) and an underemphasis on the means (legitimate vs. illegitimate).

STRAIN THEORY (Merton) says that crime rates are differentially distributed across different class structures in society.

  • Says that in American society financial success is a universal goal, but society is structured such that not everyone has a fair shot at achieving that goal through legitimate avenues.
    • As a result, they resort to crime.
    • This goal–means disconnect “pushes” people—particularly those in lower classes—to look for ways to improve the likelihood of achieving economic success, by responding to strain in one of five ways, or adaptations.
  • CONFORMITY – In which individuals accept both the means and goals of society.
    • Conformists continue to work hard to achieve financial success legitimately, but even when it is not attained they refrain from crime because they value moral behavior and doing things “the right way.”
      • KEYWORDS: “Lawful Hard-Working Citizen”
      • Embraces Financial Goal, Embraces Legitimate Means
  • INNOVATION – Individuals embrace the goal of economic success but reject the idea that this success must be attained through legal means.
    • Individuals who feel they are not earning as much as they desire may turn to drug dealing or white-collar crime, thus retaining the goal of economic success but using “innovative” yet illicit means to do so.
      • KEYWORDS: “Anything for Cash – even crime”
      • Embraces Financial Goal, REJECTS Legitimate Means
  • RITUALISTSReject financial success as an ultimate goal, but accept the legal means of society.
    • They do not commit crimes because they are not necessarily seeking economic success.
      • KEYWORDS: “Who cares about money?”
      • REJECTS Financial Goal, Embraces Legitimate Means
  • RETREATISTSreject society’s goals and means and remove themselves from conventional society altogether.
    • Such as drug users and alcoholics.
      • KEYWORDS: “Doesn’t care about anything”
      • REJECTS Financial Goal, REJECTS Legitimate Means
  • REBELSreject conventional goals and replace them with new ones, advocating for a new system and the destruction of the current one.
    • Such as terrorists
      • KEYWORDS: “Requires a new world order”
      • REJECTS current structure

FUNCTIONALIST VIEW – the cause of crime is rooted in social structure. Humans are assumed to be inherently social beings not naturally inclined to deviate, but the emphasis on the universal goal of monetary success in combination with the unequal distribution in legitimate opportunities to achieve success can “pressure” people into crime, particularly those in the lower classes.

  • TRAVIS HIRSCHI – followed Thomas Hobbes, who said individuals are inherently SELF-INTERESTED. For Hobbes, man’s natural state of life is “nasty, brutish, and short” because individuals are naturally inclined to go after their own self-interests.
    • Hirschi argued that the motivation to engage in crime is innate and that the question that criminologists should be asking is not “why do people commit crime?” but rather “why don’t people commit crime?”
  • SOCIAL CONTROL THEORY – Says that when institutions effectively socialize members of society, behavior is regulated; but when these institutions break down and are ineffective at socializing, individuals are “free to deviate.” According to Hirschi (1969), the BOND to SOCIETY has FOUR ELEMENTS:
  • ​ATTACHMENTthe emotional element of the social bond that starts with the warmth felt toward parents and extends to other family members, teachers, and friends.
    • Those with weak attachments have less at stake and are more likely to deviate.
    • When a criminal opportunity appears, an individual who is strongly attached to others will refrain from engaging in crime out of fear of disappointing others.
  • COMMITMENTRational component of the social bond, and describes how long-term, pro-social goals regulate behavior.
    • EX: Fear of getting kicked out of school and thus not graduating can effectively prevent individuals from engaging in behavior that may result in expulsion.
  • INVOLVEMENT – Is the temporal (use of time) element of the social bond
    • EX: Spending time in conventional activities (e.g., sports teams) leaves less free time to deviate.
      • Those with idle time are more likely to commit crimes.
  • BELIEFS – Represent the moral element of the bond:
    • EX: When young people believe in the validity of the rules of society, they are less likely to violate them.
  • SOCIAL DISORGANIZATION THEORY – Argue that in socially disorganized communities—characterized by poverty, residential mobility, and racial/ethnic heterogeneity—institutions such as schools, religious organizations, and family are unable to effectively socialize youth to hold values that restrain criminal and delinquent behaviors.

Policy Implications of Structural Functionalism:

  • Effectively socializing individuals in the appropriate means of achieving success can reduce the likelihood that individuals turn to crime. Accordingly, schools, parents, and other institutions that bear the responsibility of socializing youth need the resources and skills to take on this role.
  • Functionalists support increased funds for schools and parenting classes, which are effective strategies for crime prevention.
  • Functionalists also believe that crime can be a good thing in society when it is committed at a proper amount.
    • Individuals violating social norms allow the institutions designed to regulate behavior to punish the deviance, thus reinforcing the shared values that promote conformity.

Symbolic Interactionism


SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM – Says human behavior results from the interaction between people to define the symbols in their society.

  • EX: Without communicating with others we may not know what it means when someone is “staring us down” (a body language symbol).
    • By being exposed to patterns of behavior conducive to delinquent conduct we may “learn” that this is a sign of a challenge and that the appropriate way to respond to such disrespect is violence.

DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION THEORY – A theory of crime that says all behavior is learned, both criminal and noncriminal.

  • The central premise argues that the cause of criminal behavior was one’s evaluation of that behavior (the rationalization that it is acceptable or not).
    • The person’s definition of that situation is what allows the person to fit a deviant rationalization into a concrete circumstance.
    • These definitions are learned through interactions with others, who communicate that crime is either
      1. wrong in all circumstances
      2. appropriate but only under some circumstances
      3. appropriate in all circumstances
    • Since learning the acceptability of criminal behavior is a source of criminal behavior, associating with delinquent friends and possessing delinquent attitudes are two of the strongest predictors of deviant conduct.
  • IDENTITY ASPECT OF SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISMOnce an individual accepts a deviant concept of themselves, this identity affects subsequent behavior through self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • LABELING THEORYlabeling someone as “deviant” leads them to act like a deviant – even if they weren’t before the labeling.
  • PRIMARY DEVIANCELow-level, nonserious offending.
    • most adolescents experiment with this.
  • Primary deviance is no big deal. What is important is how society responds to this minor deviance.
    • In some instances, society overreacts—what Tannenbaum (1938) calls a “DRAMATIZATION of EVIL.”
      • When this occurs, individuals can embrace the idea that they are a “bad person” and begin to act in accordance with this identity.
      • Those labeled deviant and embrace a delinquent identity are more likely to re-offend in the future and escalate their offending into more serious forms of deviance, known as SECONDARY DEVIANCE.
      • Research suggests that the application of formal sanctions (jail) tends to increase future criminal behavior rather than decrease it.

Labeling theories: Theories that emphasize how the application of sanctions can lead to a deviant stigma applied by others, which in turn affects one’s identity and subsequent delinquency.

Primary deviance: In societal reaction theory, this refers to individuals’ engagement in low-level offending, like speeding or experimenting with alcohol.

Secondary deviance: In societal reaction theory, this refers to individuals’ engagement in more serious forms of crime after they have been labeled and treated as criminals.

Policy Implications of the Symbolic Interactionist Perspective:

  • You can’t “force” adolescent teens to form friendships solely with non-delinquent peers. Nonetheless, efforts have been made toward targeting certain types of interactions, such as “gang activity,” by penalizing the congregation of youths in specific public spaces (street corners, for instance) while donning certain symbols/gang-related attire, etc.
  • “Big Brothers Big Sisters,” attempts to provide younger individuals with pro-social definitions and goals by pairing them directly to pro-social “mentors” who act as surrogate friends/parental figures.
    • Arresting and incarcerating juveniles may have detrimental consequences, as incarcerated youth are more likely to be exposed to deviant attitudes held by other inmates.
    • Thus, alternatives to sanctioning, such as DIVERSION PROGRAMS, should be employed (when suitable) to reduce further instances of criminal behavior.

Conflict Theory


CONFLICT THEORY – The social inequities that exist among classes, races, and genders are all sources of conflict that may potentially lead to crime.

  • The weak are made to suffer at the hands of the powerful.
  • We have seen in this chapter that punishments for possession of crack, weak enforcement of wage laws, and stop-and-frisk policies all contribute to the disproportionate incarceration of people of color.

MARXIST CRIMINOLOGY – During the struggle for resources in capitalism, crime emerges as those on the bottom contend for social, political, and economic equality.

  • BOURGEOISIE – Wealthy class, who own the means of production.
  • PROLETARIAT – Working class, who contribute their labor.

BOURGEOISE LEGALITY – allows the members of the wealthy class—through their connections to officials and lawmakers—to write and use the law as a tool of oppression.

  • The “deviant” behaviors of the poor are viewed as “street crimes,” while similar behaviors by the ruling class are largely ignored.
    • Furthermore, members of the working class are excluded from higher-paying jobs, from receiving better employee benefits, and from achieving a more comfortable lifestyle; this exclusion causes them to behave in a criminal manner.

FEMINIST CRIMINOLOGY – Questions the inequities between the genders.

  • Focuses on PATERNALISM – the practice of treating or governing women in a fatherly manner – explains why women are more likely than men to be victims of crimes at the hands of men they know and with whom they have relationships.
  • Female juvenile delinquents are punished more harshly than boys for minor offenses because their behaviors are contrary to beliefs about how girls should behave.

CHIVALRY – Tendency to overprotect women and girls.

  • Found that a chivalrous attitude toward women leads to leniency for female defendants in criminal cases
    • While others have found that women who violate gendered expectations are treated more harshly.
  • Gender is an important variable that causes difference due to an imbalance of power between men and women.

Policy Implications:

  • To reduce crime, Conflict theory calls for radical social changes that can resolve economic and social inequalities, including better work conditions, and eliminating race and gender discrimination in the workplace, providing universal health care, and offering equal opportunity in housing and education.
  • Increase in the numbers of minorities and women in positions in the criminal justice system.

Rational Choice Theories of Criminal Behavior


RATIONAL CHOICE THEORIES OF CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR – Says that humans are rational beings and break the law when the benefits of crime outweigh the costs.

  • Society can answer this by raising the cost of crime through effective punishments, certain, swift, and severe.
  • CERTAINTY – Refers to the likelihood of apprehension.
    • If there is a 100% chance of arrest it is unlikely an individual will offend.
  • SWIFTNESS – Refers to how quickly a punishment is applied.
    • When punishments are employed closer in time to the act itself, individuals are more likely to associate a negative consequence with the behavior.
  • SEVERITY – Concerns the harshness of the punishment.
    • The punishments of crime should be proportional to the crime that is committed.
  • DETERRENCE THEORY (Beccaria) – says that individuals rationally decide to commit a crime and weigh the threat of punishment heavily in their calculation.
    • Serves as the foundation for the criminal justice system in the United States.
  • BOUNDED RATIONALITY – Says we make choices but our choices are limited by the time we have to make a decision, the information that is available to us, and our own cognitive capacity.
    • All of which are usually very, very limited.
    • Individuals weigh immediate stimuli greater than stimuli that will be experienced at a later point in time.
      • This may explain why individuals engage in criminal behaviors that are immediately rewarding but seemingly go against long-term interests.

Environmental Theories of Crime


ENVIRONMENTAL THEORIES OF CRIME – Crime also involves a victim and a situational element.

  • EX: Consider that crime was on the rise in the 1960s despite the fact that poverty was declining and other social conditions were improving. This thought was that the rise in crime was the result of the increase in the number of criminal opportunities. Specifically, items that were worth stealing became smaller and easier to carry and conceal. The increased presence of women in the workforce also meant that fewer individuals were home during the day to prevent burglaries from occurring. The environment made crime easier
  • ROUTINE ACTIVITY THEORY – suggests that crime occurs when three things converge.
    • motivated offender.
    • suitable target.
    • absence of a capable guardian.
      • Says we can prevent crime by reducing the suitableness of targets or by increasing the presence of capable guardians.

Bounded rationality: The idea that an individual’s thought processes are deemed to be rational even when they are constrained by low intelligence, chemical dependence, or mental illness.

Routine activity theory: The theory that proposes that crime occurs when three things converge in space and time: a motivated offender, a suitable target, and the absence of a capable guardian.

BROKEN WINDOWS THEORYMinor signs of disorder (such as graffiti, loitering, and broken windows), if not properly addressed, can ultimately lead to more serious forms of criminal activity.

  • This can occur for several reasons.
    • Disorder acts as a signal to offenders that individuals do not care about an area and that crime could be committed there without concern of reporting.
    • Disordered communities attract criminals.
    • Disorder can stoke fear among law-abiding citizens and cause them to refrain from leaving their homes.
    • Disorder drives down housing prices, which, in turn, increases residential mobility in the neighborhood.
    • Police may effectively prevent serious forms of criminal behavior by addressing the minor forms of criminal behavior.

Community Programs to prevent Crime


TAKE BACK THE NIGHT – Call upon those in control to make public areas safe.

  • Established features on many campuses.

BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS – Matches adult mentors to children of single parents.

OPERATION SWORDFISH – Fighting computer-based fraud and theft.