Ch. 11 Flashcards
aetas, aetatis f.
age, life
anuus, anni m.
hora horae f.
hour, season
nox, noctis f. 3rd
numen, numinis n.
divine will, divine power
ratio, rationis f.
reason, judgment; method
tempus, temporis n.
time, period of time (e.g., a season); opportunity
discedo, descedere, discessi, discessurus
to depart, go away; separate
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus
bellum gero
to bear, carry on; wear
to wage war
misceo, miscere, miscui, mixtus
to mix, mingle; stir up, disturb
alius, alia, aliud
(alterius is commonly used for gen. sg.)
aliud… aliud
other, another
one thing… another
some… other
alter, altera, alterum
the one, the other (of two); next, second
neuter, neutra, neutrum
neither (of two)
nullus, nulla, nullum
not any, no
secundus, secunda, secundum
second; favorable