Ch. 10: Syndromes and Characteristics of Aphasia Flashcards
What is fluent aphasia?
o Fluent aphasias (or fluent types of aphasia) are those in which people can speak readily and have few hesitations or struggles when generating language, even though the words that are spoken or written may not be real words or may not accurately convey the intended meaning.
People with fluent aphasia tend to have more difficulty _______ language as opposed to ______ language
Understanding language as opposed to formulating language.
Fluent aphasias are also sometimes called _______ and _______ aphasias.
o Receptive and Posterior types of aphasias.
Fluent aphasias tend to be caused by ______.
temporal lobe lesions
What is nonfluent aphasia?
o Nonfluent aphasias are those in which people generate few words, content units (elements of meaning), or utterances per unit of time.
Individuals with ______ aphasias tend to understand language better than they produce language.
Expressive aphasias are categorized as ______?
o nonfluent aphasias
Frontal lobe lesions tend to cause what type of aphasia?
Nonfluent aphasias.
What are sometimes called anterior types of aphasia?
Nonfluent aphasias.
What is dissociation syndrome?
Aspects of language are affected differently than others for any given syndrome has led some authors to refer to aphasia as dissociation syndrome. The term dissociation in this context refers to the fact that some abilities remain relatively intact while others are relatively impaired.
Wernicke’s aphasia
In Wernicke’s aphasia how is auditory and reading comprehension impacted?
o Auditory and reading comprehension impairment is Moderate to severe
In Wernicke’s aphasia how is oral and written expression impacted?
o Oral and Written Expression impairment is Moderate to severe;
What are the linguistic characteristics of a patient with Wernicke’s aphasia?
o semantic and literal paraphasias, jargon, neologisms, circumlocutions, press of speech, logorrhea
Patient’s with Wernicke’s aphasia have more difficulty with comprehension instead of production of language; True or False?
Transcortical sensory aphasia
Patient’s diagnosed with transcortical sensory aphasia will have moderate to severe impairment with?
Auditory and reading comprehension.
Patient’s diagnosed with transcortical sensory aphasia will have moderate to severe impairment with oral and written expression specifically with the following characteristics?
especially with paraphasias, logorrhea, poor self-monitoring; intact repetition; paraphasias and neologisms
Broca’s aphasia
Broca’s aphasia has mild to moderate impairment with auditory and reading comprehension, what are the two specific deficits they have?
Difficulty with passives and complex grammar
Broca’s aphasia has mild to severe impairment with oral and written expression, what are the specific deficits they have?
agrammatism/telegraphic speech, anomia, literal paraphasias more common than semantic; circumlocutions (talking in circles/around a word)
What are other defining features of Broca’s aphasia?
Patient is typically aware of deficits, sometimes with catastrophic reaction and emotional lability; often concomitant apraxia of speech, dysarthria, contralateral hemiparesis
Global Aphasia
In Global aphasia the auditory and reading comprehension impairment is _____?
In global aphasia the oral and written expression impairment is _____?
In global aphasia the oral and written expression impairment has the following specific defining characteristics?
Patient may be nonverbal; may have jargon and stereotypy
Transcortical motor aphasia
Auditory and reading comprehension impairment in transcortical motor aphasia is?
Mild to moderate
Patients with transcortical motor aphasia experience the following deficits with auditory and reading comprehension?
Difficulty with Passives and Complex grammar
Patients with transcortical motor aphasia experience the following deficits with oral and written expression?
Telegraphic speech, intact repetition, literal and semantic paraphasia.
Oral and written expression impairment in transcortical motor aphasia is?
Mild to moderately impaired
Mixed transcortical aphasia
Auditory and reading comprehension impairment in patients with mixed transcortical aphasia is?
Mild to moderately impaired
Oral and written expression impairment in patients with mixed transcortical aphasia is?
mild to moderately impacted.
Patients with mixed transcortical aphasia have auditory and reading difficulty with?
Passives and complex grammar
Patients with mixed transcortical aphasia have oral and written expression difficulty characterized by?
telegraphic speech