Ch. 10 Practice Questions Flashcards
Which organization evaluates information on biologic effects of radiation and provides radiation protection guidance through recommendations on occupational and public dose limits?
Which agency conducts an ongoing product radiation control program, regulating the design and manufacture of electronic products, including x-ray equipment?
The agency that functions as a monitoring agency in places of employment, predominantly in industry. Also, regulates occupational exposure to radiation is…
According to the NRCP recommendations, the guidance level for cumulative exposures should be calculated using the formula…
10 mSv x age
The effective dose limits are based on this type of dose relationship:
Linear, nonthreshold
The effective dose limit are generally stated in terms of dose equivalents and are expressed in the units of:
Rem or Sievert
The effective dose limit for the stochastic effects for an occupational radiation worker in a one year period (annual dose) is:
50 mSv (500 mrem)
It is recommended that the fetus should not exceed a dose equivalent limit of ___ for the entire gestation period.
5 mSv (50 mrem)
A student radiographer is admitted into training six months prior to his 18th birthday. This person’s effective dose limit until the age of 18 is:
1 mSv
According to the NRCP, the annual effective dose limit for deterministic (somatic) effects for the lens of the eye is:
150 mSv
Which of the following is normally considered a type of stochastic effect:
- Cataracts
- Cancer
- Genetic conditions
Cancer and genetic conditions
True or false:
A member of the public is accidentally exposed to 4 mSv. This person has exceeded the annual effective dose limit.
Stucides that suggest that radiation are a beneficial consequence of radiation for populations continuously exposed to moderately high levels of radiations is called the _____ _____ effect.
Radiation hormesis
Collective Effective Dose Equivalent’s unit of choice is:
Previously: man-rem
Current: person-sievert
Which of the following agencies was previously known as the Atomic Energy Commission?