CH 10 Flashcards
Define Intelligence.
Individual differences in the ability to acquire knowledge, to think and reason effectively, and deal adaptively with the environment.
Name two scientists, who played seminal roles in the study and measurement of mental skills.
Sir Francis Galton and Alfred Binet.
As the result of Binet’s mental skills measurement, what is “mental age”?
The mental level at which a child is performing as determined by a “standardized interview” in which the child response to a series of questions.
What is the psychometric approach?
The study of the statistical properties of psychological tests; the psychometric approach to intelligence focuses on the number and nature of abilities that define intelligence
What is factor analysis?
A statistical technique that permits, a researcher to reduce a large number of measures to a small number of clusters or factors; it identifies the clusters of behaviour or test scores that are highly correlated with one another.
What is Spearman’s g factor?
General intelligence, a component of intellectual performance
What are Thurstone’s primary mental abilities?
Spatial ability, perceptual speed, numerical ability, verbal meaning, memory, verbal fluency, and indicative reasoning; defined on the basis of his factor analysis of intelligence test items
What is Crystallized Intelligence?
A subtype of general intelligence; intellectual abilities that depend on a store of information and the acquisition of particular skills
What is fluid intelligence?
Subtype of general intelligence; the ability to deal with novel problem-solving situations for which personal experience does not supply a solution.
What is the three-stratum theory of cognitive abilities?
Theory that supports three levels of mental skills— general, broad, and narrow— arranged in a hierarchal model
What are cognitive process theories?
Approaches to intelligence that analyze the mental processes that underlie intelligent thinking.
What is Robert Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence?
Distinguishes between analytical, practical and creative forms of mental abilities
What are metacomponents?
Higher-order processes used to plan and regulate task performance
What are performance components?
The actual mental processes used to perform a task
What are knowledge-acquisition components?
They allow us to learn from our experience, store information in memory, and combine new insights with previously acquired information.
What is emotional intelligence?
Ability to respond adaptively in the emotional realm by reading and responding appropriately to others’ emotions, to be aware of one’s own emotions and have the ability to control them, and to delay gratification
What abilities are included in Gardner’s multiple intelligences?
1) linguistic intelligence
2) logical-mathematical
3) visualspatial
4) musical
5) bodily-kinaesthetic
6) interpersonal
7) intrapersonal
8) naturalistic
Define psychological test.
A method for measuring individual differences related to some psychological construct, based on a sample of relevant behaviour obtained under standardized conditions.
What is reliability in psychological testing?
The consistency with which a measure assesses a given characteristic
What is test-retest reliability?
The extent to which scores on a presumably stable characteristic are consistent over time
What is internal consistency?
The extent to which items within a psychological test correlate with one another, indicating that they are measuring a common characteristic.
What is interjudge reliability?
The extent to which different observers or scorers agree in their scoring of a particular test or observed behaviour.
What is construct validity?
The extent to which a test measures the psychological construct that it is purported to measure
What is content validity?
The extent to which test items adequately sample the domain a test is supposed to measure
What is criterion related validity?
The ability of test scores to correlate with meaningful criterion measures
What is static testing?
A traditional approach to testing whereby very detailed instructions must be closely adhered to in order for all scores to be solely a reflection of their ability and not affected by varying stimulus situations
What is dynamic testing?
The examiner gives respondent guided feedback on how to improve performance and observes how the person uses the information
What is outcome bias?
the extent that a test underestimates a person’s true intellectual ability
What is predictive bias?
a test bias that occurs if the test successfully predicts criterion measures for some groups but not for others.