Ch. 1 Terms Flashcards
Threats the gov’t poses to community.
Of systems, states, and regimes. A gov’t of few that rule many or military gov’t that makes all the decisions for the community.
A nondemocratic regime.
A political system in which citizens enjoy a number of basic civil and political rights, and which their most important leaders are elected in free and fair elections. Those leaders are accountable under the rule of law. “Government by the people”.
The enhancement of human rights and the expansion of freedom.
equality of income
Income distribution.
As defined by Max Weber “those human groups that entertain a subjective belief in their common descent because of similarities of physical type or of customs or both, or because of memories of colonization and migration…”.
European Union (EU)
Accepted European states (countries) into the Union.
Occurs when an activity incur costs that are not borne by the producer or the user.
The citizens in all/most countries increasingly have to share in cultures that have developed elsewhere.
Organizations of individuals who have the power to make binding decisions on behalf of a particular community.
gross domestic product (GDP)
A measure of national economic development.
human rights
Basic human needs that should at least be protected.
Believes in individual freedoms and that gov’t will encroach on them.
military, party, and party dictatorships and totalitarian nations
Systems in which gov’t constricts the rights and privacy of its citizens in a severe and intrusive manner.