ch 1 part II - the golden age of microbiology Flashcards
what is the idea of abiogenesis?
all lving things arise from nonliving things
what is the idea of biogenesis?
all living things arise from other living things?
which pioneers believed in abiogenesis?
john needham & aristole
which pioneers believed in biogenesis?
fransesco redi & lazzaro spalanzani
what was fransesco redi’s idea?
maggots only appear when flies lay eggs on meat
what did john needham do?
- heated nutrient broth
- sealed w/ cork
- broth became CLOUDY
- “life force”
what did lazzaro spalanzani do?
- heated nutrient broth for 1 hr
- sealed by melting bottle neck
- broth stayed CLEAR
what did louis pastuer do?
- disproved spontaneous generation
- created swan neck flasks
- discovered that heat kills microbes
- microbes are everywhere
- pasteurization
- rabies vaccine
what is needed for fermentation?
when bacteria is fermented what is the result?
when yeast are fermented, what is the result?
why does fermentation not need cells?
edward buchaer discovered that enzymes carry out fermentation
who discovered that germs cause diseases?
girolamo fracastoro bassi
what did robert koch do?
- worked w/ anthrax in cattle
- 1st to prove that bacteria caused disease (koch’s postulate)
what did ignaz semmelweis do?
handwashing during childbirth w/ chlorine
what did joseph lister do?
antiseptic surgical technique
what did florence knightdale do?
introduced antiseptic technique and hygiene in the hospital & into school of nursing
what did john snow do?
infection control and epidemiology
what did edward jenner do?
used cowpox material to create a vaccine for small pox, 1st VACCINE
how does a vaccine work?
- a weakened form of the disease antigen that may be dead or alive is injected into the body
- the body creates antibodies to fight back
- if the antigen enters again, the antibodies can fight it off
what did paul ehrlich do?
- compound 606: salvarsan to treat syphilis
- “magic bullet”: selective toxicity
- chemotherapy: treatment of disease using chemicals
what did alexander fleming do?
- discovered penicillin from mold Penicillium
- 1st antibotic: inhibit bacterial growth