ch. 1 orientation to pharm Flashcards
Pharmacology is part of multiple disciplines from
any chemical that can affect living processes
the study of drugs and their interactions with living systems (physical and chemical properties of drugs and their effects)
- drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion
Clinical Pharmacology:
study of drugs in humans
Therapeutics: (pharmacotherapeutics)
the use of drugs to diagnose, prevent, or treat disease or to prevent pregnancy; medical use of drugs
3 main properties of an ideal drugs
effectiveness: most important!!**; drug does what it’s supposed to do
safety: does not produce harmful effects, even in very high doses (all rugs can cause injury)
selectivity: only does what it is supposed to do
reversible action:
want drug actions to subside within an appropriate time frame (anesthetics)
want to know what it will do
ease of admin:
simple to take/give; helps with pt adherence and decrease admin errors
freedom from drug interact:
no interactions between drugs taken concurrently
low cost:
one of the most expensive drugs out there, mavenclad $60,000/mon
chemical stability:
lose efficacy (effictiveness) if sits on shelf too long; have expiration dates
simple generic name:
pt can’t communicate what they are taking (can’t pronounce)= increased risk of error
therapeutic objective of drug therapy is:
provide MAXIMUM benefit with MINIMAL harm
too much= toxicity
too little= treatment failure
med errors: who/how