Ch. 1 - Fluent Word Recognition and Phoneme Awareness Flashcards
The most direct route to good reading comprehension is to make the word recognition process (A) so a student can focus all of his or her mental energy on the meaning.
The most direct route to good reading comprehension is to make the word recognition process AUTOMATIC so a student can focus all of his or her mental energy on the meaning.
Good readers do not struggle over words…When they see words, they (A) recognize them.
Good readers do not struggle over words…When they see words, they IMMEDIATELY recognize them.
The mental process we use to efficiently store words is called (A B) - the precise letter order of words.
The mental process we use to efficiently store words is called ORTHOGRAPHIC MEMORY - the precise letter order of words.
(A B) appears to be one of the most important skills associated with orthographic memory.
PHONEME AWARENESS appears to be one of the most important skills associated with orthographic memory.
If all of the sub-processes of reading are (A) and (B), the student is almost certainly going to be a fluent word reading.
If all of the sub-processes of reading are FAST and AUTOMATIC, the student is almost certainly going to be a fluent word reading.
The most common source of reading difficulties is poor (A B).
The most common source of reading difficulties is poor PHONEME AWARENESS.