Ch. 1: Drug Actions and Body Responses Flashcards
a drug effect that is more severe than expected and has the potential to damage tissue or cause serious health problems. it may also be called a toxic effect or toxicity and usually requires intervention by prescriber
adverse effect or adverse drug reactoin
an extrinsic drug that activates the receptor site of a cell and mimics the actions of naturally occuring drugs
type of andverse effect in which the presence of the drug stimulates the release of histamine and other body chemicals that cause inflammatory reactions. the response may be as mild as a rash or as severe and life threatening as anaphylaxis
allergic response
an extrinsic drug that blocks the receptor site of a cell, preventing the naturally occuring substance from binding to the receptor
the percentage of a drug dose that actually reaches the blood
a notice that a drug may produce serious or even life-threatening effect s in some people in addition to its beneficial effects
black box warning
manufacturer owned name of a generic drug; also called “trade name” or “proprietary name”
brand name
drug action that is intended to kill a cell or organism
the extent that a drug absorbed into the blood stream spreads into the three body water components
any small molecule that changes any body function by working at the chemical and cell levels
the planned use of a drug to prevent or improve a health problem
drug therapy
the length of time a drug is present in the blood at or above the level needed to produce an effect or response
duration of action
the inactivtion or removal or drugs from the body accomplished by certain body systems
movement of drugs fromt he outside of the body to the inside using the GI tract
enteral route
drugs that are man made or derived from other species; not made by the human body
extrinsic drugs
rapid activation or elimination of oral drugs as a result of liver metabolism
first pass loss
national and international public drug name created by the US Adoptened Names Council to indicate the usual use of chemical composition of a drug
generic name
time span needed for one half of a drug dose to be eliminated
half life
natural products made from plants that cause a resoponse in the body similar to that of a drug; also called botanical
drug that has an increased risk of causing patient harm if used in error
high alert drug
desired effect, main effect, of a drug on a specific body tissue or system; therapeutic response
intended action
hormones, enzymes, growth factors, and other chemicals made by the body that change the activity of cells
intrinsic drugs
the first dose of a drug that is larger than all subsequent doses of the same drug; used when it takes more drug to reach steady state than it does to maintain it
loading dose
exactly how, at the cellular level, a drug changes the activity of a cell
mechanism of action
any small molecule that changes any body function by working at the chemical and cell levels
chemical reaction in the body that change sthe chemical shape and content of a drug, preparing the drug for inactivation and eliminatoin
the smallest amount of a drug necessary in the blood or target tissue to result in a measurable intended action
minimum effective concentration (MEC)
drugs that are approved for purchase without a prescription
over the counter
movement of a drug from the outside of the body to the inside of the body by injection
parenteral route
maximum blood drug level
movement of drug from the outside of the body to the inside through the skin or mucus membranes
percutaneous route
unexpected adverse effects that are unique to the patient and not related to the mechanism of action of the drug. they are also called idiosyncratic responses
personal responses
ways in which drugs work to change body function