Ch 1 - Business Growth Flashcards
What is a franchise
. Occurs when one business sells the rights to another business to use its name and sell its products
What a franchisor
Someone who sells the rights to the business name
What is a franchisee
Someone who buys the rights to the business name
Advantages of selling franchises (for franchisor)
. Receive money from fees and a percentage of profits
. Business can grow quickly as the franchise provides the majority of set up fees
. Franchises are motivated as they get most of the profits
. The business overall can do better and make more money as franchisee learn from each other
. A better marketing campaign can be implemented as all franchisee fund this, not just one
Disadvantages of selling franchises (for franchisor)
. Most profit goes to franchisee
. Reputation of the overall business can be damaged e.g quality problems
. Lose some control
Advantages of buying franchises (for the franchisee)
. They buy an established brand
. Has access to training and supplies
. Shared marketing costs
. Franchises learn from each other
Disdvantages of buying franchises (for the franchisee)
. Profits must be shared with the franchisor
. Reputation of the overall business can be damaged by another franchisee
. Have to work within the guidelines of the franchisor
. Financial contributions must be made to group marketing
Why do businesses want to grow
. To gain lower costs, economies of scale and therefore more profits
. To have a wider range of products thus spreading at risk
. To ensure they always have supplies available
. To prevent competitors gaining an advantage
Define economies of scale
Economies of scale occurs when the cost per unit falls as a business exapnds
What are the 2 types of business grow
. Internal (organic growth- by increasing production e.g franchising
. External (integration) growth- through take overs or mergers
What are takeover(acquisition)
Occurs when one business buys enough shares in another business to allow it to take control e.g innocent drinks & coca cola
What are friendly takeovers
Shareholders are agreeable to the takeover
What are hostile takeovers
Shareholders are opposed to takeovers
What are horizontal mergers
Occur between businesses in the same industry at the same stage of production
Advantages of horizontal merging
. Economies of scale
. Less competition
. Greater share of market
. Greater market power