Ch 1 Flashcards
What are the four assessment methods? List their subtypes
TOIS (like TOYS - assessments are toys)
- Interviews
- stuct, semi, unsturc - Tests
- Standardized, questionnaires, work samples, protective drawings - Observations
- event recordings, time sampling, anecdotal - Screening
What are the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (the Standards)?
Written: 1985
Collection of best practices that describe how tests should be developed and appropriate uses of tests
Have been revised twice
Define Assessment
a process that integrates test information with information from other sources
Involves collecting data from a variety of sources
Describe the difference between goals of assessment, appraisal and evaluation
Assessment: goal is to document and describe what is going on with the client ( largely objective)
Appraisal/Evaluation: counsellors makes JUDGEMENTS based on evidence they collect. Subjective
Define: Psychological Testing
An objective, standardized measure of behaviour
Assessment includes collecting data from what four sources:
FIND (Like Find the information)
Direct source: Client
Indirect source: Family/friends etc
Formal/Informal methods: observation, interviewing, screening, standardized testing
Assessment serves what four purposes:
(a) screening
(b) diagnosis
(c) treatment planning and goal identification
(d) progress evaluation
Earliest recorded use of assessment practice was where/when/why?
China - 2200 BCE
Used to select citizens to serve as governments officials; mostly used on the wealthiest families
Greek contribution to assessment?
Socrates - we should used assessment in education planning
Plato - we should match skill/aptitude with career choices to make a strong workforce
Middle ages, Galton’s contribution
Believed that human mental abilities were largely inherited (cousin to Darwin)
Began developing statistical concepts
Who was the father of experimental psychology?
Wilhelm Wundt
- first psychological labraroty
- Wanted to study intelligence in a rigorous, experimental manor
- Method let to standardization of procedures
James Cattell
Established first American experimental psychology lab
Developed term: Mental test
Believed that intelligence was multifaceted
Modern Era (1890 - 1910)
Binet and Henri
Defined intelligence as a collection of complex mental abilities
Developed Binet-Simon scale of intelligence;
- retarded french children
- Introduced IQ which is ratio of mental age vs chronological age
Ternman (1916)
Revied Binet-Simon Scale to publish Standard Binet Scale
Yerkes (1910 - WW1)
Tests to measure intellegicen and emotional capacity for army
Army Alpha - Literate
Army Beta - Illeterate (nonverbal test)
Who was the ‘father of guidance”
Parsons - led vocational guidance movement
- developed 3 step model for career counselling:
1) Research client
2) Research world
3) Come up with a good match
proposed one of the earliest theories of intelligence (g) and specific intelligence (s)
General intelligence: individual’s overall intellectual ability
argued against Spearman’s g factor and identified seven independent factors, called primary abilities, which constituted human intelligence
introduced a new assessment instrument designed to measure adult intelligence, known as the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale
Designe d to assess” global capacity of individual to act purposefully in his environment”
Mental Measurements Yearbook (1938)
Resource that listed avaialbe instruments and evaluated their structure;
published every 2-3 years
last edition 2013
1943, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
Objective measure of Psychopathology
Hathaway and McKinley
Criterion keying: items selected based on ability o accurately assess various signs/symptoms of many diagnostic labels
Still one of most widely use personality assessments
Define authentic assessment:
assessment that tests students ability by measuring how well they perform in real-life contexts; changed how students were evaluated - not just how well they could recall but also apply info
Describe the Era of Discontent (1960-197)
- Call for greater training and control over the use of tests and assessment
- Gender and ethnic biases
- Hobson and Hasen court case: assessments were biased against minorities
- Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) in 1974
- Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (PL-94-142)