Ch 09 Flashcards


EO 9.1:

What are the eight features of a requirements management tool?

  1. Manage different information (e.g., natural language requirements, conceptual models, sketches, test plans, change requests)
  2. Manage logical relationships between information (traceability, e.g., between requirements or between requirements and their implementation)
  3. Allow for unique identification (e.g., a unique ID for every managed artifact)
  4. Edit the managed information (multi-user accessibility, access control, configuration and version management)
  5. Allow for different views on the managed information, depending on the purpose
  6. Organize the managed information (grouping, hierarchically structuring, assigning attributes, and annotation of additional information)
  7. Generate reports or summaries regarding the managed information (e.g., reports of change requests for requirements)
  8. Generate different kinds of output documents based on the managed information (e.g., generate requirements documents for a specific system release)
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EO 9.2

What are the five aspects in the introduction of requirements engineering tools

  1. Consider necessary resources: The choice and introduction of tools takes up resources in the organization. This holds not only for personnel entrusted with the introduction of a tool, but also for the future users of a tool. These efforts have to be considered during evaluation.
  2. Avoid risks by means of pilot projects: In practice, it has proven problematic to introduce a tool while a development project is already in progress. While additional effort for instruction of the employees can be estimated rather well, the risks that are associated with introducing a new tool while a project is in progress are easily underestimated.
  3. Evaluation according to defined criteria: A suitable tool should be determined in the context of a tool evaluation. When manufacturers are surveyed and critical “must-have” criteria are defined, potential candidates for introduction can be selected and investigated in further detail. In order to do that, a catalogue of criteria must be created that describes which requirements a tool for requirements engineering must fulfill. The tools that remain to be evaluated can then be rated according to these requirements.
  4. Take into account costs beyond license costs: Costs for a tool usually exceed licensing cost alone. Typically, costs for employee instruction as well as potential tool customization and costs for support must be taken into account as well.
  5. Instruct employees: It is necessary for the future users of the tool to know, actively shape, and master the processes and activities that they encounter during requirements engineering. The users must be instructed with regard to processes, techniques, and the respective tool support.
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EO 9.3:

What are the seven views of requirements engineering tools?

  1. Project view (e.g. support for project planning): The project view shows the extent to which the tool can support the project. Relevant criteria are support during project preparation, project planning, and project execution.
  2. User view (especially usability): The user view considers the requirements for the tool that emerge out of the perspective of the users (e.g., multi-user capability). The evaluation from the perspective of the user is focused on tool usage, mapping of roles, and support of group work.
  3. Product view (functionality): The product view contains the functionalities that the tool possesses (e.g., different documentation types for requirements). Among other things, the supported document types, views, and reports that can be generated, as well as traceability between the selected products, are considered in this view.
  4. Process view (methodological support): The process view focuses on the method support offered by the tool (e.g., possible guidance, maintenance of traceability relations). Considerations of the process view comprise the ability to document activities within the tool as well as the extent to which the tool offers method guidance.
  5. Provider view (e.g. vendor services): The provider view considers the market position as well as the different services that are offered by a manufacturer. When choosing a tool, not only the functional aspects but also constraints that must be fulfilled for the tool to be applicable are pertinent.
  6. Technical view (e.g. interoperability, scalability): The technical view involves technical context conditions that the system is expected to meet. Important aspects in the technical view are, for instance, the ability to integrate the tool, the performance of the used repository, the necessary hardware and software, and scalability of the tool.
  7. Economic view (costs): The economic view regards the possible costs that arise due to the acquisition, introduction, and maintenance of a tool (e.g., licensing costs, employee instruction costs, and support costs).
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