CH 02: PEOPLES, GODS, & EMPIRES 1700-500 B.C.E. Flashcards
A mysterious wave of invations entered the Mediterranean world & destroyed nearly every preexisting civilizations ____.
After the Hittites saced Babylon, the city was ruled for the next 500 years by ____.
the Kassites
After the collapse of Mycenaean Greece, a wave of destruction swept across the Near East & the Mediterranean world as a result of the invations of the ____.
Sea Peoples
Akhenaten represents one of the earliest moves, in Western history, toward ____.
monotheism in religious practices
Although the evidence is uncertain, many aspects of Philistine culture suggest they may have been ____.
strongly influenced by Mycenean Greece
By the 14th century b.c.e., international relations were marked by ____.
diplomatic standards, polite forms of address, gifts, & alliances
Climatological research suggests that the collapse of Mycenae was due to ____.
a drought caused by sustained arid conditions
Discover in 2015, the tomb of the Griffin Warrior suggests that ____.
the early Myceneans were strongly influenced by Minoan culture
In Phoenician cities, ____.
power was wielded by a small number of elite families
In the Book of Judges, the Hebrew people ____.
begins to settle & organize themselves into 12 tribes
In the 12th & 11th centuries b.c.e., Philistine armies dominated the Levant largely because ____.
they had developed a monology on metalsmithing, preventing their competitors from making competitive weaponry
Like rulers of many 2nd milennium Near Eastern states, New Kingdom pharaohs ____.
were warrior-kings whose monuments celebrated their military victories
Linguistically, the term Indo-European refers to ____.
a hypothetical parent language from which many languages in Europe & the Near East descend
Much of the power the Egyptians would wield for nearly 400 years was due to their effective use of ____.
battle chariots
One component of the dominicance exerted by the Neo-Assyrian Empire was ____.
system of spies & messengers who reported on the activities of subjects & provincial governors.
The Babylonian Captivity of the Herbrews affected Judaism by ____.
fostering a religious identity that transcended political realtities
The Hebrew cult of Yahweh ____.
was significantly advanced by the Levites
The Hebrew king who built a great temple complex in Jerusalem to house the Ark of the Convenant was ____.
The Hyksos conquest of Lower Egypt led to the establishment of an independent Nubia under the ____.
The Late Bronze Age ____.
was an age of superpowers
The Neo-Assyrian Empire under Sargon II expanded to briefly control a large area from the Mediterranean to western Iran and ____.
put an end to the kingdom of Israel
The New Kingdom, particularly the Eighteenth Dynasty, was marked by ____.
the rise of a wealthy aristocracy
The Phoenicians’ greatest contribution to civilization was ____.
their alphabet o
The culture of the Hittites was ____.
strongly militaristic, prone to conquest & colonization
The discovery of the vast palace at Knossos by Sir Arthur Evans gave rise to the recognition of ____.
Minoan Crete
The expansion of the Persian Empire was halted when ____.
Darius made the mistake of going to war with Greece
The most significant product of the Iron Age was ____.
the development of monotheism
The system of writing developed by the citizens of Ugarit ____.
used the alphabet of about 30 symbols for the constants
Zoroastrianism taught ____.
that only animal sacrifice could appease the gods, that all humans had the potential to become gods
____ was a powerful member of the “Sea Peoples” confederation capable of conquering Troy.