CF, IPF, Sarcoid, OSA Flashcards
What is IPF?
A diffuse parenchymal lung disease with no known cause resulting in chronic, progressive fibrosis of lung interstitium leading to loss of elasticity
What are the risk factors for IPF?
50-70yo Male Smoking Occupational (dust) Environmental (pigeon breeders) CT disease (RA, SLE, Sjorgrens) Recurrent viral infection GORD
What are the characteristic features of IPF?
- Dyspnoea
- Diffuse infiltrates on CXR
- Inflammation +/- fibrosis on biopsy
What are the causes of upper zone PF?
CARTEx: C: Coal A: Ankylosing Spondylitis R: RT T: TB Ex: Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
What are the causes of lower zone PF?
CAID: C: CT disorders A: Asbestos I: Idiopathic PF D: Drugs (Amiodarone, MTX, Cyclophosphamide, Nitrofuran)
How does IPF present?
Dry cough Dyspnoea on exertion- PROGRESSIVE Flu like illness OSA Cyanosis Clubbing Fine end-inspiratory crackles
How is PF investigated?
1) Bloods: FBC, CRP, ABG, AutoAb
2) CXR: ↓Lung vol, honeycombing, ground glass
3) HRCT: DIAGNOSTIC for interstitial disease
4) Spirometry: RESTRICTIVE, ↓↓FVC, ↓Transfer factor
5) Bronchoalveolar lavage: Alveolitis diagnosis
6) Lung biopsy
How is PF managed?
Pulmonary rehab
Supportive care: O2, Opiates, lung transplant
Pirfenidone (DMARD)- anti-fibrotic
Palliative care: LE = 2-4yrs
How does OSA occur?
Intermittent closure/collapse of pharyngeal airway
Apnoeic episodes during sleep
Terminated by partial arousal.
Who typically gets OSA?
Middle-aged men
What are the risk factors for OSA?
Marfan's Acromegaly Hypothyroid Amyloidosis Large tonsils
What are the Sx of OSA?
Loud snoring Daytime somnolence Poor sleep quality Morning headache ↓ libido ↓ cognitive performance
How is OSA investigated?
Polysomnography= DIAGNOSTIC
Pulse Oximetry
What is classed as severe OSA?
> 15 episodes in 1 hour sleep
How is OSA managed?
MILD: ↓weight, ↓OH-, stop smoking