Asthma & COPD Flashcards
What is asthma?
Reversible small airway obstruction due to bronchial hypersensitivity
Characterised by bronchospasm + inflammation + oedema
What are the precipitants of asthma?
Cold air Smoking Exercise Damp Allergens Drugs (Aspirin, NSAIDs, BB)
How does asthma present?
Nocturnal cough Recurrent rhinitis Exertional dyspnoea Reflux Diurnal variation Sx of atopy
How does an acute asthma attack present?
Acute dyspnoea Hyperinflated chest Polyphonic wheeze ↑Mucous production ↑HR + ↑RR (hyperventilation) ↑Resonance on Percussion
How is asthma investigated?
Fractional exhaled NO test (>17yo)
Histamine/Methacholine direct bronchial challenge test
How is asthma diagnosed?
Sx PLUS: -FeNO >40 OR -FEV1/FVC <70% OR -FeNO 25-30 AND +ve bronchodilator reversibility test OR - +ve bronchodilator reversibility test >200ml or 12%
How is spirometry used when investigating asthma?
FEV1/FVC <70% (<0.7)
Do bronchodilator reversibility test (give SABA)
How is PEFR used when investigating asthma?
If uncertain ∆ post-FeNO/Spirometry/Reversibility
Monitor peak flow for 2-4w
Compare w/predicted peak flow
Monitor for diurnal variation
How is asthma managed in an adult?
1) SABA (Salbutamol)
2) SABA + ICS (Beclamethasone BD)
3) SABA + ICS + LRTA (Montelukast) review in 4-8w
4) SABA + ICS + LABA (Salmeterol)- Stop LRTA
5) SABA + MART (ICS + LABA Combi inhaler) ± LTRA- Stop LABA
6) ↑Dose to mod ICS
7) ↑Dose to high ICS OR trial LAMA/Theophylline/Specialist
In managing asthma when should moving up the ‘ladder’ be considered?
Using salbutamol >3 doses/week
How is acute asthma treated?
O: O2 if <94%
S: Salbutamol news 5mg back to back every 20mins x3 doses
H: Hydrocortisone IV 100mg
I: Ipratropium nebs 500mcg 4-6hourly
T: Theophylline IV
M: 2g MgSO4 in 100mls NaCl IV over 20mins
O2 driven nebs- 6L
Give 1-4 at the same time
What bronchodilator reversibility levels would suggest someone has asthma?
A 200ml improvement in FEV1 or 12% in response to:
- 400mcg salbutamol
- 6w trial of ICS (beclometasone 200mcg bd)
How much salbutamol should be advised to give to a patient having an asthma attack (where nebs can’t yet be given)?
4 puffs of salbutamol
2puffs every 2 mins-max 10 puffs
When someone is sent home post-asthma attack what meds need to be given?
If PEFR <50% initially: Prednisolone 40mg 5days
Can be stopped abruptly if continuing ICS
Salbutamol weaning: 6 puffs QDS, 4 puffs QDS
What are the differences in: FEV1 FVC FEV1/FVC in obstructive & restrictive lung diseases?
O: ↓FVC, ↓↓FEV1, ↓FEV1/FVC
R: ↓↓FVC, ↓FEV1, ↑FEV1/FVC
What are the common obstructive lung diseases?
Bronchiolitis obliterans
What are the common restrictive lung diseases?
Pulmonary fibrosis Asbestosis Sarcoidosis NM disorders ARDS